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Hangover Cure

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Bollywood Sundowner

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Bollywood & Chill



Right now, Sudan is hell on Earth. A genocidal army has raped and massacred thousands. There's evidence of child soldiers fighting and dying, and mass graves dot the desert. Now Darfur's capital is under attack, with 800,000 terrified refugees trapped inside -- they're calling it a "killbox."These unspeakable atrocities can only happen because there's a near-total information blackout. Sudan has shuttered the internet, arrested local reporters, and blocked foreign journalists -- meaning very little media coverage, or pressure on governments to act. But a small team of war-crimes investigators is breaking through, using a cutting-edge combination of satellite imagery and witness accounts to document the shocking violence. The project has already led to major news stories and government intervention, helping to trigger sanctions on the worst warlords. With the attack in Darfur underway, this work is needed like never before -- but it urgently needs funding to continue. If enough of us chip in, we can power this life-saving project, run campaigns to protect civilians in war and fund massive media outreach, ensuring governments, journalists and war-crimes prosecutors have access to the evidence and testimony they need to galvanise urgent action. Let's stand in solidarity with terrified families caught in the crossfire -- please donate what you can now to help end Sudan's silent scream:


Licence to kill 🐋

A multi-millionaire has been slaughtering endangered fin whales – many of them pregnant. Now Iceland's government granted him a new licence to slowly and painfully slaughter 128 of these majestic giants. Public pressure – including from 1.7 million of us! – forced the government to rethink before. Let's urgently come together again and make sure this is Iceland's last licence! Just a few days ago, Iceland issued millionaire whale hunter Kristján Loftsson a licence to murder 128 vulnerable fin whales.Fin whales are awe-inspiring -- capable of communicating through song, feeling love, and experiencing deep emotional suffering. Loftsson often kills them pregnant, and a study found that these majestic giants can take up to 2 hours to die after being harpooned.We can still stop this cruelty and protect the second largest mammal on earth – not just this season but for good – by helping change the law and making this Iceland's last licence.The Icelandic government is under pressure. The key minister admitted she doesn't agree with whaling but says the law forced her to grant the licence. Brave lawmakers plan to try to repeal that law.We can help, like we did before: Let's make this a PR nightmare for the Icelandic government, and build a 2 million-strong call to put whalers like Kristján Loftsson out of business forever. Time is ticking – add your name and share with everyone you know!