
The hidden Syria

Avaaz.org - The World in Action
Dear friends,

A child dies every 10 minutes from malnutrition, a cholera outbreak looms, and despite 18 million (!) people needing aid, Saudi Arabia's bombs threaten to cut off all access.

It's an apocalyptic scenario for the innocent people of Yemen -- but we can help.

How? By confronting the more than a dozen of our governments that are fuelling Saudi's war machine. For our leaders, Saudi friendship and oil have been more important than saving Yemeni lives. Trump even just signed a new $100 billion arms deal!

But Avaaz is unique -- our money comes from ordinary citizens with no policy agenda. We can be a lifeline for Yemen:
  • Going after donor countries to increase humanitarian funding, now;
  • Working with groups on the ground to improve humanitarian access in the most affected and difficult-to-reach areas;
  • Exposing and fighting our governments that are supplying the weapons used for atrocities in Yemen, and campaigning to stop the bombing;
  • Funding independent journalists to investigate and get the world's attention -- there are no foreign journalists there!

Honestly, this is like a hidden Syria. It's as bad as it gets. 15 million people without access to safe water or sanitation, as many as 300,000 could die from cholera...the numbers are overwhelming. But we stand in the lucky position of being able to do something about it. Let's chip in below and give Yemen the hope they've been looking for:

Saudi Arabia's military campaign in Yemen is all about a power struggle with Iran. They say they are defending the 'legitimate' government against a group of rebels allegedly funded by Iran. But this has less to do with democracy and more to do with regional influence.

Innocent Yemeni civilians are the victims, much like their brothers and sisters in Syria, but without global attention. Yemen was already the poorest country in the region and now hospitals, schools, and entire neighbourhoods have been turned to rubble. The latest craziness is that Saudi Arabia wants to bomb and cut off access to the one port letting humanitarian aid into the country!

The terrible thing is the Saudis aren't doing this alone. Through massive arms deals, military advice, use of air bases, even boots on the ground -- many of our governments are making this nightmare possible.

We don't have to be part of that. If enough of us donate below, we can show the people of Yemen that we are not our governments, that we care about the desperate situation they're facing, and will fight to stop the bombing of innocent civilians. Some courageous groups are trying to make this work, but right now no one has got it done. Let's come together urgently and stand up for Yemen the way we've stood up for Syria -- before it's too late:

We can cross our fingers that Yemen will somehow be saved. Or we can do what our community does best and rise up to speak for those who have no voice. Let's not sit in silence.

With hope,

Danny, Rewan, Alice, Wissam, Nataliya, and the entire Avaaz team

More information:

In Yemen, a child dies every ten minutes from preventable causes (UNICEF)

Yemen conflict: How bad is the humanitarian crisis? (BBC)

In Saudi Arabia, Trump Reaches Out to Sunni Nations, at Iran's Expense (New York Times)

Saudi Arabia's expected military assault on Yemen will almost certainly cause mass starvation (VICE)

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