
Saudi Arabia’s war on children

Saudi Arabia just joined ISIS and Boko Haram on a UN 'blacklist' for murdering hundreds of children in Yemen. It's the evidence we need to finally stop our governments from selling the Saudis weapons. When enough of us sign, Avaaz will use our names to file official human rights complaints in key arms-dealing countries. Let's stop Saudi's war on children -- add your name:
Sign the petition

Saudi Arabia just joined ISIS and Boko Haram on a UN 'blacklist' for murdering hundreds of children in Yemen. It's the evidence we need to finally stop our governments from selling the Saudis weapons. When enough of us sign, Avaaz will use our names to file official human rights complaints in key arms-dealing countries. Let's stop Saudi's war on children -- add your name:

Sign the petition
Dear friends,

Saudi Arabia was just put on a UN blacklist for killing children in conflict -- right alongside ISIS and Boko Haram! 

The difference is Saudi is doing this with weapons sold by our governments. They've bombed Yemen's hospitals and schools to the ground and sent the country spiraling into famine, but faced almost no consequences.

Now the blacklist shows they're directly responsible and makes it clear: anyone that sells them weapons is part of committing horrific crimes against children. 
Not a single other group on the blacklist gets this kind of assistance, because it's simply unacceptable for a democratic government to make an arms deal in these circumstances.

It should be the same for Saudi Arabia. It's time to end our government's assistance in the murder of defenseless kids. If thousands of us join in to protest the sales, we can turn our signatures into formal legal complaints and spark policy reviews in major arms dealing countries -- add your name:

Click to STOP Saudi's war on children

Saudi Arabia's campaign in Yemen has directly and wilfully killed hundreds of children. It's put almost 20 million people in need of urgent humanitarian aid and spawned a historic cholera epidemic. Our governments have done little to protest, rolling in cash from selling arms, and have essentially disclaimed responsibility for Saudi Arabia's actions. 

This list makes that impossible to continue. Saudi Arabia did everything it could to stay off this list, because it knew the consequences.
 They even threatened to withdraw their funding to the UN over it! But their lack of regard for human life in Yemen can't be swept under the rug any longer.

It's up to us to take this moment and make sure it means the end of these arms deals. When enough of us sign, Avaaz will use our names to file official complaints in key arms-dealing countries, pointing to this blacklist as evidence that something must be done. Let's give Yemen's kids a chance at a future:

Click to STOP Saudi's war on children

For international law and national democracies to function, mechanisms like this need to work. The UN has made it clear -- Saudi Arabia is killing children. That's unacceptable, and there must be consequences. Our global community can make that happen better than anyone else, let's live up to that responsibility with passion and determination.

With hope, 

Danny, Rewan, Fatima, Emma, Nick and the entire Avaaz team 

More information:

EU under mounting pressure to ban arms sales to Saudi Arabia (The Guardian) 

U.N. blacklists Saudi-led coalition for killing children in Yemen (Reuters)

UN moves to blacklist Saudi coalition for violations against children in Yemen (The Guardian) 

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