
The secret attack on the Amazon

We didn't expect this: new satellite photos obtained by Avaaz show unprecedented destruction in the Colombian Amazon! Colombian Avaazers are about to demand an official investigation into this secret attack on the Amazon. If we back them with a million person call, we'll make it a massive media story in Colombia, impossible for politicians to ignore -- add your name:
sign now

We didn't expect this: new satellite photos obtained by Avaaz show unprecedented destruction in the Colombian Amazon! Colombian Avaazers are about to demand an official investigation into this secret attack on the Amazon. If we back them with a million person call, we'll make it a massive media story in Colombia, impossible for politicians to ignore -- add your name:

sign now
Dear friends,

Colombia's Amazon has become a wild west for environmental destruction -- criminal loggers and coca growers are swarming in and destroying everything in their path! 

The government insists there's only small scale deforestation. But Avaaz members just paid for stunning satellite image research that shows it's actually *worse than ever*.

We have to stop this secret attack on the Amazon!

With elections looming, this is the moment to shoot this investigation to the top of the political agenda and make it a massive story in the national press. When a million of us join, Avaaz will demand presidential candidates take a pledge to protect the Amazon and stop deforestation:

Click to stop the secret attack on the Amazon

The Amazon is critical to our planet's environmental resilience -- and produces almost a quarter of the oxygen we breathe! The Brazilian Amazon is more famous than Colombia's, but it's all a part of the same complex, magical ecosystem -- and this secret attack is a serious threat.

The upcoming elections mean that President Santos is vulnerable to influence on this issue. In 2016, he pushed for one of the most ambitious protection plans for the Amazon -- a transnational corridor -- and committed to reaching zero net deforestation by 2020. But he's not on track to achieve either promise. 

That gives us our chance to turn the Colombian citizen legal complaint into a political powder-keg that could force Santos to act. When a million of us sign, Avaaz will place a giant digital counter showing the signature count right in front of the Presidential House, and create a national media storm impossible for Santos to ignore.  

Click to stop the secret attack on the Amazon

Our movement has been a leading force in the mobilisation of millions of people worldwide to march against climate change, achieved great victories to protect our oceans and forests, and even bought a rainforest to protect the orangutans in Indonesia. Let's stand with the people of Colombia now to bring peace to its Amazon rainforests, and save our planet's lungs.

With hope,

Ana Sofía, Danny, Meetali, Diego, Luis and the whole Avaaz team

More information:

Deforestation soars in Colombia after Farc rebels' demobilization (The Guardian)

'It's a perverse system': how Colombia's farmers are reforesting their logged land (The Guardian)

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