
Facebook beast

Facebook is a beast out of control -- and recent scandals have governments scrambling to act, but they don't know what to do. We can point the way if millions of us speak out for reforms that make Facebook legally responsible for everything that goes on on the site! Add your name and share with everyone:

Facebook is a beast out of control -- and recent scandals have governments scrambling to act, but they don't know what to do. We can point the way if millions of us speak out for reforms that make Facebook legally responsible for everything that goes on on the site! Add your name and share with everyone:
Dear friends,

The Facebook beast is out of control -- stealing our data and selling it at huge profits, and flooding the world with fake news that helps extremists like Trump win elections.

And all because as a tech "platform" they're not legally responsible for what goes up on the Facebook site! But for the first time we have a rare, precious moment to change that.

The EU, the US and the UK are all scrambling to investigate Facebook in light of recent scandals -- but beyond investigating, they don't know what to do!

It's a clarity vacuum that we can fill if millions of us speak out and say: make Facebook responsible for everything that happens on its site! Add your name now to ask governments to tame the Facebook beast — Avaaz is already in the room with key governments:

Tell our leaders: Tame the Facebook beast!

The internet has become a wild west for corporations like Facebook do whatever they want with our data because they claim they are a "platform" -- not a media company. Meaning, they are only responsible for keeping their sites' pipes running and whatever people happen to use their services for isn't their responsibility.

And our governments have eaten up that argument.

But the tide is turning: reports are coming out that consultants are stealing our data to swing elections, that Russia is using Facebook to flood the world with fake news, and  that evil actors are using the site to spread hate and violence… so governments are starting to wake up.

But Facebook will hire lobbyists up the wazoo to stop any kind of real reforms. We need a massive call to governments to be bold and tame the Facebook beast! Sign now and share with everyone -- Avaaz will deliver our call to leaders as they decide what to do:

Tell our leaders: Tame the Facebook beast!

The internet is a powerful place that has propelled human progress forward, and it can be a huge force for good -- Avaaz wouldn't exist without it! But in the same way we've fought governments who wanted to take away our rights to a free internet we'll fight those gaming the system to disrupt our democracies.

With hope and determination,

Mia, Chris, Alice, Fatima, Diego, Meetali, Marie and the whole Avaaz team


Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach

How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions

How Cambridge Analytica turned Facebook 'likes' into a lucrative political tool

The great British Brexit robbery: how our democracy was hijacked

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