
Cooked alive on the ships of death

Every year, tens of thousands of animals are crammed into ships where they slowly cook alive in the heat. Now Australia, the biggest livestock exporter, is investigating. So let's quickly build a giant call on the Agriculture minister to ban livestock exports and get other countries to follow suit to stop these cruel death ships!
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Every year, tens of thousands of animals are crammed into ships where they slowly cook alive in the heat. Now Australia, the biggest livestock exporter, is investigating. So let's quickly build a giant call on the Agriculture minister to ban livestock exports and get other countries to follow suit to stop these cruel death ships!
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Dear friends,

The whistleblower video I just watched made me feel sick. It shows thousands of sheep, crammed into a filthy ship, slowly cooking alive in blazing heat.

And unless we act now, it'll happen again!

Every year, tens of thousands of animals are loaded into these death ships to be shipped around the world for slaughter. But right now we have a rare chance to stop them -- the world's biggest livestock exporter Australia has been rocked by the shocking footage, and the agriculture minister has ordered an urgent investigation.

Let's build a massive global call to end live exports, force Australia to act, and pile pressure on countries around the world to follow. When our call is massive we'll deliver it direct to Australia's agriculture minister -- sign now to sink the ships of death!

Click to end cruel live exports

The live export trade is horrific. Cattle and sheep are loaded onto boats by the tens of thousands, trapped in overcrowded conditions without access to water and food. But the worst part is the heat -- the temperatures they face are so extreme that vets say they are literally cooked alive. Then the dead animals are thrown overboard to conceal the evidence!

Now a brave whistleblower has made shocking footage public and this deadly trade's stranglehold on regulators has weakened. All over the world governments are reviewing their policies on live exports -- so let's build a giant call for to end this horror-show, before the moment passes.

We'll start with Australia, a kingpin in the global live export trade. Add your name now to demand an end to this outrage -- and when our call is huge, we'll feed it directly into his urgent review. Join now to sink these ships of death!

Click to end cruel live exports

Avaazers have stood up for farm animals being tortured time and time again. We've powered undercover investigations in slaughterhouses, and demanded an end to horse blood farms. Now it's time to take on the live export trade.

In shock and determination,
Bert, Rewan, Ana Sofía and
 the entire Avaaz team

More information:

Live export review will be 'short and sharp' (The West Australian) 

Australia 'shocked' by 2,400 sheep deaths on export ship (BBC)

Live exports: mass animal deaths going unpunished as holes in system revealed (The Guardian)

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