
Saudi Arabia’s gone rogue

Avaaz.org - The World in Action
Saudi Arabia sentences women to death by stoning, brutally whips peaceful activists, and with their allies, bombed a school bus in Yemen. Canada just criticized their latest jailing of women activists, and Saudi slammed them with sanctions! Enough is enough -- let's get our governments to stand with Canada by demanding the release of the activists, expelling Saudi from the UN Human Rights Council, and bringing sanctions if the abuse continues -- sign now!
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Saudi Arabia sentences women to death by stoning, brutally whips peaceful activists, and with their allies, bombed a school bus in Yemen. Canada just criticized their latest jailing of women activists, and Saudi slammed them with sanctions! Enough is enough -- let's get our governments to stand with Canada by demanding the release of the activists, expelling Saudi from the UN Human Rights Council, and bringing sanctions if the abuse continues -- sign now!
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Dear friends,

Saudi Arabia sentences women to death by stoning, brutally whips peaceful activists, and with their allies, just bombed a school bus full of kids in Yemen.

Canada just called out their latest jailing of women activists, and now Saudi has slammed them with sanctions! It's a typical bullying Saudi response: make an "example" of anyone who dares stand up to them.

Enough is enough -- let's get our governments to stand with Canada by publicly demanding the release of human rights activists, calling to expel Saudi Arabia from the UN Human Rights Council, and to bring sanctions if the abuse continues -- sign now!

Click to stand up for human rights!

Most of the world is still democratic and respects human rights. But rogue states like Saudi are trying to change that, to move us away from law and rights and democracy, towards a darker world where might makes right.

They're targeting Canada to make an example of a champion of humanity and global values. The rest of the world's democracies need to unite, or we'll all soon face the same treatment.

But get this -- Saudi Arabia isn't just on the UN's Human Rights Council, they actually sit on women's rights committees, even as they lock up women unjustly! Now is the moment for our governments to stand up for human rights. Join the call for them to speak out and expel Saudi from the Human Rights Council!

Click to stand up for human rights!

Our movement played a major role in helping to win a vote in the European Parliament to ban arms sales to Saudi Arabia. It was the first time democracies have strongly stood up to Saudi oil and cash and done the right thing. Let's make sure that a bright future of justice and law and human rights prevails over the dark dystopia that Saudi Arabia and Trump are pushing on us.

With hope,

Rewan, Andrew, Fatima, Ricken, Bert, Sarah, Christoph and everyone at Avaaz

More information:

Why Saudi Arabia is waging diplomatic war on … Canada (Vox)

Saudi Arabia freezes Canada trade ties for urging activists' release (BBC)

Saudi Arabia's fight with Canada exposes its fragile crown prince (Washington Post)

'We are always going to speak up for human rights': Why Saudia Arabia abruptly suspended trade relations with Canada (National Post)

Saudi Arabia's row with Canada: Silencing Western criticism? (DW)

Here's why Canadian allies are keeping their mouths shut in dispute with Saudi Arabia (Global News)

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