
Boys will be Boys

A woman just told the whole world her terrifying story of being pinned down, muzzled and sexually assaulted. Now the man she accused has been nominated to the US Supreme Court.
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Dear friends,

A woman just told the whole world her terrifying story of being pinned down, muzzled and sexually assaulted. Now the man she accused has been nominated to the US Supreme Court.

The worst thing is -- it's not shocking.

President Trump brags about grabbing women by the pussy. 1 in 4 women in the US are sexually assaulted in their lifetime. 50% in Denmark. 99% in Egypt!!!

Many never report the violence for fear of being called a liar, or because the criminals are so rarely held to account. It's a global crisis of violence and impunity.

But we could turn this dark day into a watershed of light for change if enough of us demand an end to the 'boys will be boys' culture controlled by the men that dominate power right now. Join the open letter to all our governments to end the raging war on women:

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To all lawmakers, judges and governments across our world:

We are men and women, boys and girls, from every country on Earth. From today our votes to keep you in power or take you out will depend on if you:

  • Prioritise action to end the war on women,
  • Believe the survivors who risk their lives, careers, family, and privacy to speak out against sexual violence, and give them due process,
  • Promote affirmative consent laws and funding for 'No means no' programmes,
  • And champion equal representation of women and men in politics and government.
  • The era of turning a blind to the rampant rape trade of women and girls, the violent sexual assaults, the brutal domestic violence, and worldwide gender inequality is over.

    We will no longer stay silent. We will stand with the survivors and fight like hell until the insipid culture and systems of misogyny are overturned, and we and our mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters and granddaughters are safe.


    Let's turn this dark day into a clarion call to action, everywhere. And all together say Never Again!

    With hope and determination,

    Alice, Rewan, Ana Sofía, Laura, Olivia, Fatima, and the entire Avaaz team

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