
In Loving Memory of Meredith

You don't get to see much of the Avaaz team beyond names at the end of an email, but one of the best of us was Meredith Alexander.
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Dear friends,

You don't get to see much of the Avaaz team beyond names at the end of an email, but one of the best of us was Meredith Alexander.

She passed away suddenly earlier this year. She was only 42, filled with joy, determination, and a smart thoughtfulness about how to make the world better. Within the Avaaz team she acted as a mentor, helping many of our staff grow personally as well as professionally. She inspired us with her honesty and vulnerability, and never walked away from a cause she believed in, no matter the personal sacrifice.

I struggle to fully honour her many years of contribution to our movement: from campaigning for years for women's rights against the epidemic of rape in India, to fighting against the Murdoch mafia in the UK where she helped win a key battle against the Sky takeover. From mobilizing US expat voters around the world against Trump's election, to campaigning for safe and healthy food in the EU. 

Meredith was so full of ideas and energy, and I know she'd want us to do more than mourn her passing. So here is something that feels right to honour her legacy:

Meredith's last act of generosity was to donate her organs. At a moment when her own family experienced so much pain, she gave hope to other families who needed it. The woman who received Meredith's lungs - an Avaaz member since 2007! - says that she woke from the double lung transplant and, "for the first time in my life I was able to take a deep breath," this time using Meredith's lungs!

Because of Meredith's gift, this 46-year-old mother of three will watch her children grow up and continue Meredith's legacy as a social justice warrior. If you're not already a donor, consider pledging to become one. If you are, encourage your friends to commit to it too

Pledge to be an organ donor

Her passing seems so senseless, especially now, when we need her brilliance more than ever to face the challenges of our times. But if her light lives on in us, and strengthens us, then she will not be gone. I don't know if there's a part of Meredith that survives her passing, but I know there is a part of her life that can. Her passion, her light, her dedication, her smarts. Let's all carry that light forward together.

Meredith was always so passionate about Avaaz, and about smart, effective campaigning. In addition to signing up as an organ donor you can also donate to help establish the Meredith Alexander fellowship, a fund to support young organizers continuing the work closest to Meredith's heart!

Support the Meredith Alexander fellowship

With love and gratitude for Meredith and each and every amazing person who makes this movement possible, 

Ricken, Emma, Alice, Elana, Luca, Nataliya, and the whole Avaaz team

MORE INFORMATION - Here are articles on some of the campaigns that Meredith led:

'Womanifesto' calls for safety in Bengal, thousands join in (Times of India)

'Stop Trump' campaign bus tours London (CNN)

Avaaz is a 47-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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