
This is beyond worrying!

Half of life on Earth could be wiped out by 2050. Biologists say the only way to stop the next mass extinction is to put half the planet under protection. Now we need to reach key leaders to champion the idea ahead of key global nature talks! Add your name now: 

Half of life on Earth could be wiped out by 2050. Biologists say the only way to stop the next mass extinction is to put half the planet under protection. Now we need to reach key leaders to champion the idea ahead of key global nature talks! Add your name now: 
Dear friends,

This is beyond worrying! A major global study just found that every insect on the planet is on track to be wiped out, causing a collapse of life on Earth -- including us!

We know in our bones that our fate depends on our planet. We ARE nature. And to save it, we must be its voice!

Scientists are offering a beautiful vision to defend humanity and nature -- putting half the planet under protection. And right now, the UN, France, Germany, Canada and others are about to hold talks to consider the idea ahead of a global summit on extinction. We have to get them on board!

Let's call on these leaders to back protection for half the earth, and deliver polling, science, and messages from Avaazers everywhere to inspire the leadership our people and planet need! Sign now - the meetings that could save life on Earth start in days!  


Protecting half the Earth sounds crazily ambitious, but it could happen - almost 20% is already protected, and governments are considering massively scaling this up before a major UN summit to tackle the extinction crisis.

We saw ahead of the Paris climate talks that success depends on having influential champions behind an inspiring idea. These governments could be those champions, and all of them are about to set their positions. 

The world's top diplomat, the UN Secretary General, has already called for action. Germany is the world's biggest donor to protected areas. France is hosting the G7 where powerful nations will discuss the issue, and Canada wants to make protecting nature a major priority over the next year. 

Let's all add our names to call on governments to get on board, and then deliver heartfelt messages, alongside the science and polling, to inspire a generation of leaders to defend life on Earth - before it's gone forever. 


Time and time again, Avaaz has led the charge to defend the environment. But now we're called to something deeper. Not just defending nature, but being it, and feeling the truth in our bones that we are one beautiful part of the living, breathing planet that is our only home.

With hope and love,
Bert, Alice, Iain, Rewan, Laura, Ana Sofia, Morgan and the whole Avaaz team

More information:

Make half of world more nature-friendly by 2050, urges UN biodiversity chief (The Guardian)

Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature' (The Guardian)

This is the 'last generation' that can save nature (CNN)

Can we conserve half the planet for the survival of all species? (National Geographic)

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