
Snow leopards’ last stand

Take Action Now!
Dear friends,

High in the Himalayas, one of the world's most threatened big cats roams the lonely mountain slopes. 

The snow leopard is fighting for its survival, and now, in Nepal, one of its last refuges could have a highway built right through the middle of it. This could be the snow leopard's last stand -- but two Avaazers have come up with a brilliant, simple plan to save them!

They're working with the local community and the Rainforest Trust to buy up and protect crucial snow leopard habitats. If they can raise enough, they'll create a vast, permanent, snow leopard conservation corridor, while blocking the road completely!      

But they're running out of time. If they can't raise the funds in the next few weeks, it won't happen. If thousands of us chip in now, we can help urgently buy the land they need to create this snow leopard sanctuary -- and even better, everything Avaaz donates will be matched dollar for dollar by the Rainforest Trust! Donate what you can, and let's save the snow leopards before it's too late:

Donate R$14 to protect 2900 m²
Donate R$21 to protect 4400 m²
Donate R$35 to protect 7300 m²
Donate R$53 to protect 11000 m²
Donate R$88 to protect 18000 m²
Other amount
It's not just snow leopards. This delicate mountain ecosystem is one of the most biodiverse areas in Nepal -- home to red pandas, pangolins, wild yaks, and hundreds of species of butterflies! All of it is under threat, not just from the road, but from mining too.

There are now as few as 4,000 snow leopards left in the wild. This is what the global extinction crisis looks like up close: death by a thousand cuts with new roads, dams and mining projects disrupting habitats and leaving fragile species with nowhere to go. It's why millions of us have signed the call to world leaders asking for an ambitious commitment to keep 50% of the planet's ecosystems intact by 2050. 

But we can't wait for governments to act. So let's throw the weight of our movement behind this beautiful vision, donating enough to create the snow leopard sanctuary and support local people who will protect it! 

Chip in now to protect this precious corner of the world, and to power our movement's work to preserve the planet's most threatened biodiversity hotspots -- before we lose them forever:  

Donate R$14 to protect 2900 m²
Donate R$21 to protect 4400 m²
Donate R$35 to protect 7300 m²
Donate R$53 to protect 11000 m²
Donate R$88 to protect 18000 m²
Other amount
In just the last few years, we've bought a rainforest in Indonesia for orangutans, funded a Maasai-led wildlife corridor in the Serengeti, and protected a crucial piece of the Galapagos! And our campaigning and advocacy has helped win some of the largest marine and land reserves in history! We're making massive progress on all fronts to defeat the threat to life on earth from a collapse of our ecosystems and biodiversity.

And what we're winning is deeper -- a fight for who we are. We're showing that we humans are not some evil virus on this planet, but nature itself, and that we're nature rising to defend itself. Let's win one more victory for life this week, and never stop fighting for everything we love.

In hope and determination,

Joseph, Bert, Marigona, Ricken, Camille, Rosa, Christoph and the whole Avaaz team

PS - This might be your first donation to our movement ever. But what a first donation! Did you know that Avaaz relies entirely on small donations from members like you? That's why we're fully independent, nimble and effective. Join the over 1 million people who've donated to make Avaaz a real force for good in the world.

More information:

Highly endangered snow leopard's future in peril (Times of India)

Tracking one of the world's most elusive cats (The Washington Post)

The Snow Leopard Is No Longer Endangered. It's Still at Risk. (NYT)

Global map shows the places left on earth where the world's wildlife can take refuge (Newsweek)

Avaaz is a 51-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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