
Biggest plastic plants on earth

A notorious petrochemical giant is applying for permits to build one of the largest plastic plants in the world! This is our opportunity to stop this monster. Local activists are fighting hard, let's back them up! 

A notorious petrochemical giant is applying for permits to build one of the largest plastic plants in the world! This is our opportunity to stop this monster. Local activists are fighting hard, let's back them up! 
Dear friends,

This might sound surreal, but scientists just found plastic in rain water. It's literally raining plastic!

Plastic pollution is so serious that it can now be found in our seafood and table salt! Humans haven't found a way to completely resolve this problem. Even crazier? We are still building new factories to create more plastic!

A new factory that would become one of the biggest plastic plants in the world is waiting for its permits now. It has caused an outrage in the the local community and residents have flooded the government with a record high number of messages. We can help them stop this crazy project by creating an international outcry, join now:

No More Plastic Monsters

The developer of this plastic plant, Formosa Plastics, is recently labelled a "serial offender" of US environmental laws. They have also caused serious environmental disasters in Vietnam and its home country of Taiwan, leaving the local communities struggling to recover and to find justice, years after "Formosa Plastics" happened.

This factory is set to be built in St. James Parish, Louisiana. The region known as "petrochemical corridor" to industry supporters, but "Cancer Alley" to locals. This community has suffered from environmental degradation caused by the surrounding factories, and now they are saying NO more.

If the factory starts running it will emit 28 million tons of air pollutants each year. Their carbon emissions will be equivalent to what Costa Rica emits every year. This is not just bad for the local community, but also disastrous to the global climate. Together, we can stop the plastic monster!

No More Plastic Monsters

Avaaz members around the world have stood up so many times against plastic pollution, from signing petitions to asking world leaders to take action, to funding ocean plastic cleanup projects. This time, we have an opportunity to attack the root of plastic pollution - let's seize it together!

With hope,

Huiting, Meetali, Risalat, Andrew, Rewan, Chris and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

A Community In America's 'Cancer Alley' Fights For Its Life Against A Plastics Plant (HuffPost)

Permit Hearing for Taiwanese Plastic Plant in Louisiana Turns into a Referendum on Environmental Racism (Desmog)

Texas judge finds Formosa 'serial offender' as environmentalists fight plans for Louisiana (The Advocate)

Petrochemical Giants Are Slowly Killing Black Louisiana Communities (Truth Out)

Timeline: The Formosa Environmental Disaster (The Vietnamese)

'It is raining plastic': Scientists find colorful microplastic in rain (CNN)

Microplastics found in 90 percent of table salt (National Geographic)

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