
Invisible poison

It's the most dangerous pesticide you've never heard of, linked to brain damage in babies and cancer -- but chlorpyrifos is all over our fruit and veg! Right now the EU is deciding whether to finally ban it. This is our chance to win in Europe and then push for a global ban! Join the global call to ban this invisible poison on our food:

It's the most dangerous pesticide you've never heard of, linked to brain damage in babies and cancer -- but chlorpyrifos is all over our fruit and veg! Right now the EU is deciding whether to finally ban it. This is our chance to win in Europe and then push for a global ban! Join the global call to ban this invisible poison on our food:
Dear friends,

It's the most dangerous pesticide you've never heard of, linked to cancer, brain damage, and nerve disorders -- and it's everywhere.

Chlorpyrifos is the chemical industry's dirtiest secret, topping sales everywhere, but kept from the media spotlight. And it's no surprise -- it traces back to nerve agents developed in a Nazi lab! Now it's in our food, air and drinking water. 

Right now we have an amazing chance to get it banned. Europe could be about to block its use, and key decisions are coming up in major markets like Brazil and the US. Let's make sure we win the ban in Europe, and then unleash the power of our movement to push for bans everywhere!

Sign now and share with everyone -- when this is huge, we'll team up with chlorpyrifos victims to deliver our voices to regulators around the world:

Sign to ban chlorpyrifos!

Its defenders say chlorpyrifos is an effective pesticide -- but that's because it's derived from a class of chemicals developed to make nerve gas! This could be one of the most toxic chemicals we've ever put on our food.

The effects it can have on the human body are devastating, triggering everything from lung cancer to Parkinson's disease. And children can be badly affected, damaging their brain development and reducing their IQ.

Now we have a chance to call time on chlorpyrifos use. With Europe close to a ban, we can take this over the line, then help launch a movement to take the fight to other major markets across the world -- starting with Brazil and big US states where key decisions are imminent.

Sign now and share with everyone -- let's get this toxic chemical off our food and out of our children's bodies ASAP:

Sign to ban chlorpyrifos!

Our community played a central role in the fight against glyphosate, and when chemical kingpin Monsanto took us to court over our campaign, we came together and won! Chlorpyrifos is even worse -- so let's stop this poison being spread before it does more damage!

With hope and determination,

Pascal, Spyro, Luis, Antonia, Aloys, Rosa, Melanie, Bert, Ricken and the entire Avaaz team


A Mother's Exposure to Pesticides During Pregnancy May Raise Children's Autism Risk (TIME)

Poison Fruit: Dow Chemical Wants Farmers to Keep Using a Pesticide Linked to Autism and ADHD (The Intercept)

EU proposes pesticide ban, but key documents still secret (EU Observer)

Trump's Legacy: Damaged Brains (The New York Times)

Brazil's Dangerous Open Door for Toxic Pesticides (Human Rights Watch)

Avaaz is a 51-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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