
Our last warning...

Scientists just warned the climate could be on the cusp of spiralling out of control, but in days Europe will propose a game-changing Green Deal that could lead us out of this nightmare. Fossil fuel blockers could still derail the plan, so sign now and we'll deliver our names, together with major polls showing massive public support for the plan!

Scientists just warned the climate could be on the cusp of spiralling out of control, but in days Europe will propose a game-changing Green Deal that could lead us out of this nightmare. Fossil fuel blockers could still derail the plan, so sign now and we'll deliver our names, together with major polls showing massive public support for the plan!
Dear friends,

Scientists just warned that the climate could be on the cusp of completely spiraling out of control!
From burning rainforests to melting ice caps, we could be close to hitting a series of climate 'tipping points' that would trigger a nightmare we can't stop.
But we still have a brief window left to act -- ten years to cut  global carbon pollution in half, thirty to get it to zero. To do it, we urgently need massive investment in clean energy and green jobs -- and Europe could be about to lead the way.
In days, the EU will propose a game-changing 'Green Deal' that could spark a global climate revolution. But fossil fuel blockers have derailed key parts of the deal once before -- so let's build massive backing, and deliver it with polls showing huge public support across Europe, then push countries everywhere to get on board to save everything we love!

Click here to sign!

Avoiding climate catastrophe can only happen with massive investment in green technology and jobs to switch the entire economy away from filthy fossils. That's why the idea of the Green Deal could be so powerful -- making zero-carbon targets legally binding and ensuring no one is left behind.

Winning Europe is the best way to launch a cascade of Green New Deals across the planet to make our vision of a world run on 100% clean energy a reality. With a massive global campaign, opinion polls showing huge support and hard-hitting ads in key media outlets, we'll make sure all global leaders know people everywhere are demanding action to tackle the climate crisis.

This is our moment of truth. We can stand on the sidelines or fight for our future. Right now, fossil fuel lobbyists are doing all they can to undermine this amazing idea -- so let's stand up and defend it, for us, for our children, and for generations to come.

Click here to sign!

We're standing on the cusp of a new decade, and it's one that will make or break our future. If we rise to the climate challenge, we'll have turned a crisis into something beautiful, that will move us closer to the world we want. Let's make this a climate tipping point to be proud of -- the moment we turned away from carbon for good.
With hope and determination,

Christoph, Bert, Alice, Pascal, Marie, Melanie, Luis and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

New EU chief flags climate policy as Europe's 'new growth strategy' (Euractiv)

Proposed EU-wide 'climate law' would set net-zero carbon target by 2050 (The Guardian)

What is the Green New Deal? (The Guardian)

European Parliament declares global climate emergency (Politico.eu)

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