
Avaaz uncovers a scandal...

Avaaz just uncovered a massive scandal: While our world is burning, YouTube is spreading fake news denying global warming to millions of people! Our report is making headlines, but YouTube won't act urgently unless they see their public brand at risk and advertisers speaking up. That's where we come in! Let's flood them and their advertisers with our report findings, surround their headquarters with mobile billboards, engage their employees and keep up the pressure until YouTube stops spreading lies to millions!

Avaaz just uncovered a massive scandal: While our world is burning, YouTube is spreading fake news denying global warming to millions of people! Our report is making headlines, but YouTube won't act urgently unless they see their public brand at risk and advertisers speaking up. That's where we come in! Let's flood them and their advertisers with our report findings, surround their headquarters with mobile billboards, engage their employees and keep up the pressure until YouTube stops spreading lies to millions!
sign now
Dear friends,

Avaaz has just uncovered a massive scandal: While our world is burning, YouTube is spreading fake news denying global warming to millions of people!

And it gets worse: They're making money off it...

We just released our report and YouTube is feeling pressure from the media. But they won't act urgently unless they see their public brand at risk and major advertisers speaking up.

That's where we come in!

Let's flood YouTube and their main advertisers with our report findings, then surround YouTube's headquarters with mobile billboards, engage their employees and keep up the pressure until YouTube stops spreading lies to millions!

Join this call from around the world. Sign now

When searching for "global warming" and "climate change" Avaaz researchers found that the YouTube algorithm was throwing up misinformation videos, that racked up millions and millions of views. The videos claimed that global warming is a "hoax",  scientists are wrong and blaming humans for it is a "scam"!

The Guardian, TIME, and influential media outlets across the world have reported about our findings - and insiders tell us that YouTube's executives are feeling the heat from the massive media wave.

But if we let go now, the media wave might die down and things could go back to normal. We can't allow that to happen, in a time when the climate crisis is worsening and we need a fact-based global discussion to find the solutions that save us all.

So let's up the ante, by showing YouTube and other social media giants that millions want them to act urgently - and get both their advertisers as well as their employees on board to make them change course. Sign now, then read our report and share it with all your friends:

Join this call from around the world. Sign now

This movement is made up of millions of citizens who believe in and fight for a better planet. With social media spreading lies about climate change to millions of people every day, we risk losing this battle. But our community is not going to be silent. We've become a leading voice in the global defence of truth. So let's unite again -- to protect everything we love, we need everyone.
With respect and gratitude,
Flora, Alaphia, Fadi, Nate, Meetali, Anneke, Nataliya and the rest of the Avaaz team
More information:

Why is YouTube Broadcasting Climate Misinformation to Millions? YouTube is driving its users to climate misinformation and the world's most trusted brands are paying for it - Avaaz report

Lawmaker Wants To Know Why Climate Misinformation Is Rampant On YouTube - Forbes

YouTube Has Been 'Actively Promoting' Videos Promoting Climate Denialism, According to New Report - TIME

YouTube's Algorithm Keeps Suggesting Users Watch Climate Change Misinformation - VICE

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