
Big Oil’s Big Bailout

The price of oil collapsed to less than zero, and fossil fuel companies are fighting for survival. They want a massive bailout from gov

The price of oil collapsed to less than zero, and fossil fuel companies are fighting for survival. They want a massive bailout from governments -- let's build a giant call to say no Bailout for Big Oil and demand governments invest in renewable energy instead! Click to sign - when this huge we'll deliver to governments everywhere:
Dear friends,

It's unbelievable -- in the midst of the corona crisis and the climate emergency, Big Oil could be about to get a Big Bailout.

The price of oil has crashed so much that companies are paying people to 'buy' it! Now fossil fuel companies want billions in taxpayers money to keep polluting our planet and destroying our future.

This is our chance. Let's build a massive call on governments to say no bailout to big polluters, and use the trillions we'll save for massive investment into renewable energy and the other clean, green technology we need to survive. 

Governments are massively sensitive to public opinion right now -- click to add your name and demand our taxes are spent on securing our future of harmony with nature, not bailing out Big Oil:

Sign here: No Big Oil Bailout!

It's not just oil companies. All over the world polluters are in trouble. The fracking industry looks close to collapse. With planes grounded, airlines could go bust. They are all seeking government handouts to survive -- and that gives us massive power over their future, by demanding no bailout for companies without a plan for a green business model and taking care of workers.

Governments are deciding how to spend trillions in stimulus money right now. Let's demand the future we want and make our voices heard -- experts say investment in green tech now could tackle the climate emergency and drive recovery from the pandemic, with gains of almost 100 trillion dollars by 2050!

This moment could either make the climate emergency even worse, or mark a turning point away from the insanity of planetary breakdown. Click to add your name now, and stand for a beautiful future instead of a bailout for the biggest planet-killers:

Sign here: No Big Oil Bailout!

The coronavirus crisis shows us how vulnerable we are to natural threats. The climate emergency and ecological breakdown can still be stopped, but it's going to take all of us. With millions of people everywhere, our movement can play a beautiful role -- so let's rise to this moment, together.

In hope and determination,

Luis, Pascal, Patri, Spyro, Alice N, Muriel, Mario, Nax and the entire team at Avaaz.


Oil prices turned negative. Hundreds of US oil companies could go bankrupt (CNN)

'Coronavirus profiteers' condemned as polluters gain bailout billions (The Guardian)

Oil prices under pressure after sub-zero plunge (Financial Times)

Oil price crash: why producers are paying to give it away (Telegraph)

IRENA: Green energy-led coronavirus recovery would deliver $98tr boost by 2050

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