
COVID-19: They're starving

The world is facing a famine of 'biblical proportions' because of the Corona crisis -- that's the terrifying warning just issued by the UN.
Take Action Now!
Dear friends,

They say a picture is worth a thousand words -- but this one left me speechless.

A hungry mother in India, baby in her arms, bursts into tears after queuing for food -- only for it to run out before she could get any. 

Now the UN is warning the world is on the brink of a famine of 'biblical proportions' with a QUARTER OF A BILLION people, like this young mum, staring starvation in the face!

Brave aid workers are working around the clock to fight this 'hunger pandemic', doing all they can to feed hungry, desperate children, and fight the virus. But they're working on a shoestring, and they need our help!

There's 60 million of us -- let's go all out to urgently raise more than ever, and give every single penny of it away to aid workers feeding families, and saving lives from COVID-19. Chip in now to join this epic global effort so no one has to watch their children starve:

R$30 feeds 70 people
R$150 feeds 350 people
R$300 feeds 700 people
R$600 feeds 1400 people
R$900 feeds 2100 people
Hunger, not disease, could emerge as the biggest killer in this crisis. All over the world, families are struggling to feed their kids – not just in the poorest countries, but places like South Africa, India and Brazil!

Our movement has raised millions over the years for trusted relief groups working with the world's most vulnerable people, delivering food and medical assistance to those most in need. Since this crisis began, our team has had dozens of emails from them asking us if we can help. 

If we raise enough, here's what we can get done:
  • Scale up a massive feeding programme to tens of thousands of hungry families in India and Pakistan;
  • Support farmers growing food in East Africa as they fight with both the pandemic and a giant locust invasion;  
  • Supply thousands of Rohingya refugees crammed into crowded camps with masks, soap and hand sanitiser;
  • Fund urgently needed supplies for heroic medics working in conflict zones like DRC, Yemen and Syria, and;
  • Pay for medical facilities in refugee camps all over the world to contain the spread of the disease.
Each and every one of us can make a difference that saves lives -- and every life saved is priceless. Let's all give what we can -- every single penny we raise will be given away to the amazing humanitarian groups we've worked with over the years, to keep people alive through this crisis. Chip in now to save lives:

R$30 feeds 70 people
R$150 feeds 350 people
R$300 feeds 700 people
R$600 feeds 1400 people
R$900 feeds 2100 people
Our movement has done so much to protect the vulnerable in this crisis. We're already supporting a brave Maasai community to protect their land and their people, and we've helped win debt cancellation for poor countries, pushed for a global ceasefire, and stood up to protect the World Health Organisation when it came under attack. Now we need to raise funds to stave off a starvation crisis, and help protect the medical workers doing heroic work all over the world -- so let's come together again.

In solidarity and hope,

Marigona, Bert, Mike, Martyna, Sofia, Meetali, Francesco and the rest of the Avaaz team.

More information:
Coronavirus pandemic 'will cause famine of biblical proportions' (The Guardian)

The human cost of India's coronavirus lockdown: Deaths by hunger, starvation, suicide and more (Gulf News)

'People don't realise what is coming': How a coronavirus crisis would unfold in war-torn Syria, Yemen or Libya (The Independent)

Courageous health workers on the frontline in a time of deadly COVID-19 (Relief Web)

Photo © REUTERS/Rupak De Chowdhuri

Avaaz is a 60-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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