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Apple News+

Apple News

Saturday, November 28

The stories to read this weekend, chosen by our editors.

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Here's the catch with the Covid vaccines >> the pharma giants that control the patents are driving up their profits by throttling supply to
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Covid vaccines could save millions of lives -- but Big Pharma giants control the patents, driving up prices and restricting supply to a few rich countries. But in days, governments will vote on a plan to suspend patents on Covid vaccines so the whole world can benefit. Let's make sure it passes -- sign now and share:
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Dear friends,
Covid vaccines could save millions of lives -- but there's a catch.
The vaccines are owned by Big Pharma giants and they can't produce enough for everyone fast -- the world's richest countries have already bought most of the doses, leaving poorer countries facing a massive shortfall.
But it doesn't have to be like this. In days, governments will vote on a global plan to suspend all patents for Covid-19 vaccines, allowing production to be massively scaled up. Even the poorest could have access!
Let's make it happen! Add your name to demand vaccines for all, starting by scrapping the patents, and then pass this on -- when we reach 1 million signatures, Avaaz will deliver our call to the crucial summit:
Pharma giants argue they need patents to reward their research with exclusive profits. But these vaccines were developed with billions of dollars of public money, and countless lives hang in the balance.
Patents must be lifted -- and it's happened before. In 2001, after years of public pressure, the countries of the world agreed to free HIV/Aids treatments from patents, allowing affordable, generic versions to be made, saving millions of lives. Now we must do it again.
India and South Africa, supported by many developing nations, have just tabled an emergency proposal at the World Trade Organisation to temporarily suspend the patents for Covid-related vaccines and treatments, until the pandemic is over.
Governments will vote in days - so let's create a huge wave of public support to help pass the emergency proposal, and make Covid treatments available to everyone! Add your name and share with your friends:
Throughout the pandemic, our movement has fought for those hit hardest. We've pushed for global cooperation and debt relief, and donated millions to help the most vulnerable. Now, with vaccines arriving in record time, let's show up again to ensure no one is left behind. We have a once-in-a-life opportunity to see the world coming together to fight for one shared goal. Let's grab it!
With hope and determination,
Spyro, Risalat, Marie, Anneke, Patricia, Muriel, Marta, Luis and the whole Avaaz team

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