Torturing sharks to death for profit...
| The shark's spinal cord is crushed, and her fins are hacked off. Paralysed, but alive, she's thrown overboard and drowns to the bottom of the sea, slowly bleeding to death. It's a brutal death. And just now, the biggest EVER shark massacre was uncovered, with over 10,000 magnificent sharks slaughtered in Brazil. We must stop this, and pressure Brazil's Congress to pass tougher laws to ban the fin trade completely! Sign now, and we'll deliver your call straight to key Congresspeople and to Brazil's environmental minister! | | | Dear friends, | 10,000 magnificent sharks were just slaughtered in Brazil for their fins.
The sharks' spinal cord is crushed, and their fins sliced off. Paralyzed, but alive, they are thrown overboard and left to die – slowly and painfully.
Brazil banned harvesting fins, but left a huge loophole: It's still legal to buy and sell them! Since it's impossible to tell where fins come from, the butchers know they can get away with it as long as they can make it back to shore.
Banning the trade altogether is the only way to shut down this horrifying practice. The United States did exactly that last year, and Brazil could be the next country to stop the slaughter. But only if its leaders feel the pressure of an international outcry.
So sign now and we will deliver your voices directly to the politicians in Brazil who have the power to prevent the next massacre! | | | The cruelty is chilling, but it isn't the only problem. Sharks are vitally important to ocean ecosystems. When shark populations dwindle, coral reefs die, seabed grass withers, and biodiversity declines.
Yet around 73 million sharks are killed every year just for their fins, and overfishing has put over one third of shark species on the endangered list.
Days ago, Brazil's top environment agency stopped a major shipment of fins from an estimated 10,000 sharks. Among the victims were majestic species like the shortfin mako shark which was literally JUST listed as endangered a month ago!
Let's use this moment as a tipping point to call on Brazil to close the legal loophole, ban all trade in shark fins, and end this horrifying practice once and for all. Sign the petition now, and share with everyone you know – and we'll take it straight to Congress: | | Time and again, Avaaz members have taken a stand to defend animal rights. We've helped save bees from dangerous pesticides, establish massive marine reserves, and protect elephants from ivory poachers. We share the planet with so many magnificent species, yet too often we cruelly kill them for profit. This can change, starting with a ban on the trade in shark fins. Let's use this moment to turn Brazil into a world leader in ending the shark slaughter.
With hope and determination,
Nate, Muriel, John, Diego, Christoph, Antonia, Abdelrahman and the whole Avaaz team | | | | |
Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. | You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails when you signed "Community Petitions Site" on 2016-08-14 using the email address To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, contact us, or simply go here to unsubscribe. | | | 27 Union Square West Suite 500 New York, NY 10003 | | |
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