
They're murdering the Amazon

The Amazon isn't dying. It's being murdered. My people have cherished this rainforest for 6,000 years -- it is the greatest manifestation of life, anywhere on the planet.But oil companies don't see that. They drill precisely where the rainforest is most alive, spilling their black death, poisoning our rivers -- and fuelling the climate fever. They are killing the rainforest and all the life it holds.Now those same oil giants are ready to grease negotiations at the UN climate talks, starting in days. A huge oil boss will lead the summit in Dubai, and hundreds of industry lobbyists are ready to feast.We cannot let them speak for the Amazon.Negotiations are about to start -- but we have a bold plan to flood the talks with the voices that matter most: ours. We don't just live in the rainforest; we are a part of it. The Suruí people, the Baniwa, Karipuna, Ashinka and so many others…let us ALL be heard.If we raise enough, we can send a powerful delegation of Indigenous leaders to the summit, supported by Avaaz campaigners to get face to face with decision makers, and in front of TV cameras. We'd be standing up to some of the most powerful corporations on Earth -- we can't do it alone.I'm calling on you to help power an Indigenous uprising to ban fossil fuels in the Amazon. I promise no one will fight harder -- donate what you can now:

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