I write at a time of great danger for my people -- I'm even scared to show my face.The Tanzanian government is on the attack. First they poisoned the water and killed our animals. Now they're coming for us.I was there when they shot our Maasai mothers to the ground. We ran for our lives.The government wants our land for luxury tourism and hunting holidays -- but thanks to your support, we've been fighting the evictions in court. I want you to know that thousands of us still have our way of life, and our place on Earth, because of your donations before.But now the government is back, and 20,000 Maasai could be evicted in weeks. I'm humbly asking for your help again. I believe we can win -- but my people are cattle herders, living gently on these lands, and we simply can't afford more legal battles.I'm not asking for charity. I'm asking you to stand with us again -- help fund our fight, so we can protect our lands and all the life they hold. You'll also be supporting Avaaz campaigns with other Indigenous communities, from the Amazon to Vanuatu. Donate what you can now:
Dear Avaaz family, | I write at a time of great danger for my people -- I'm even scared to show my face.
The Tanzanian government is on the attack. First they poisoned the water and killed our animals. Now they're coming for us.
I was there when they shot our Maasai mothers to the ground. We ran for our lives.
The government wants our land for luxury tourism and hunting holidays -- but thanks to your support, we've been fighting the evictions in court. I want you to know that thousands of us still have our way of life, and our place on Earth, because of your donations before.
But now the government is back, and 20,000 Maasai could be evicted in weeks. I'm humbly asking for your help again. I believe we can win -- but my people are cattle herders, living gently on these lands, and we simply can't afford more legal battles.
I'm not asking for charity. I'm asking you to stand with us again -- help fund our fight, so we can protect our lands and all the life they hold. You'll also be supporting Avaaz campaigns with other Indigenous communities, from the Amazon to Vanuatu. Donate what you can now: | | | | | | | | My people live by a sacred oath to our ancestors, a promise to protect these lands and the delicate balance of life. Our grasslands are thriving because of that promise… and it's why the government now wants them for elite tourism. Where we see life and love, they only see money. It's happening around the world. The guardians of rainforests, wetlands, and savannahs are being attacked and forced from our homes -- with almost nothing to fight back. The Avaaz community has been a steadfast ally. You've helped my people win important victories -- but new evictions are coming and more court cases are too costly for us. With enough funding, Avaaz could: - Fund the Maasai legal defence, supporting research, evidence-gathering, and a bold legal team to stop all evictions and free those being illegally detained;
- Support Indigenous communities fighting to block a monstrous oil pipeline tearing through East Africa;
- Support the uprising of Amazon Indigenous leaders to defend the rainforest from loggers, miners, and mega cattle farms; and
- Run urgent campaigns to win and protect Indigenous rights and the balance of life on Earth.
We, the Maasai of Ngorongoro, are only able to keep fighting today because of the legal victories you helped to make possible. But now we need you again -- please help to fund our legal cases and defend the rights of Indigenous people around the world. Donate what you can now: | | | | | | | Brothers and sisters of the world, thank you. Mwanga wa jua ukuangazie, may the sunlight shine upon you. Maasai Elder from Ngorongoro and the whole team at Avaaz Why your support matters, right now- The Maasai are Earth Defenders: They aren't just fighting for their home; they're the stewards of lands that are rich in biodiversity. By supporting the Maasai, we help to protect those ecosystems.
- They depend on international support: Our donations enable the Maasai to resist government evictions -- without support, their fight would be near impossible. If you believe in the fundamental rights of Indigenous people; this is a unique opportunity to stand with them.
- The Maasai are winning: Thanks to global backing, the Maasai have won critical court cases. But further evictions are imminent, and they need immediate support.
Notes: As this Maasai community is under attack, including arbitrary arrests and detention, the consequences of writing an email like this could be severe. For that reason, names have been removed and the photo is anonymous. | | | | |
Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. | You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails when you signed "Community Petitions Site" on 2016-08-14 using the email address iphone108@gmail.com. To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add avaaz@avaaz.org to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, contact us, or simply go here to unsubscribe. | | | 27 Union Square West Suite 500 New York, NY 10003 | | |
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