
The "marry your rapist" law

Lubna was 14 when her cousin raped her. She was then forced to marry him, and he got off from punishment scot-free. It's part of a law designed to "protect family honor." In 24 hours, Jordan could scrap this law but now a few conservative MPs are pushing back. Sign the urgent petition telling them this law's got to go - then share this widely:
Dear friends,

When Lubna was 14, she was top of her class and her parents hoped she'd grow up to become a doctor. Instead, she was raped by her cousin, and then forced to marry him by a law designed to "protect her family's honor."

The law also let her rapist off without punishment. Scot-free.

In just 24 hours, Jordanian lawmakers could scrap this law, but a few conservative MPs are looking to keep it alive. Let's quickly build a massive petition telling them this law's got to go. Our voices will be delivered directly inside Parliament during their debate!

No one should be forced to marry their rapist. Click to sign now.

In Morocco, when Amina Filali killed herself after being forced to marry her rapist, the Avaaz community whipped up a massive global campaign along with a women-powered demonstration outside of parliament, and the law was repealed.

Now if we win this in Jordan, we can strengthen this domino effect and take it to the 7 other countries that still allow rapists to escape punishment by marrying their victims. This isn't just a one-off campaign anymore -- together we are building a fierce movement that protects women from Morocco to Iraq.

Jordan enjoys a positive global reputation. Thrusting them in the spotlight like this could force them to act, and the best part is: they already want to do this! It's just a few members of parliament whose voices we need to drown out. 

Hundreds of women are raped in Jordan each year. As long as men know they can get away with it, those numbers will never come down. Let's end this now. Add your name and share this widely:

No one should be forced to marry their rapist. Click to sign now.

Across the world, women and girls struggle daily for freedom, security, justice and dignity. Again and again, Avaaz members have stood for that fight. We know that when we come together, we can win. Let's do it again.

With hope, 

Rewan, Andrew, Jenny, Mike, Mohammad, Danny and the entire Avaaz team

More information: 
Heated debate over Article 308 expected as House panel has change of heart (Jordan Times) 

One by One, Marry-Your-Rapist Laws Are Falling in the Middle East (New York Times) 

Jordan on the brink of repealing law allowing rapists to marry their victims to escape punishment (Independent) 

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