

Brazil's President was about to destroy a piece of the Amazon the size of Denmark -- until Brazilian Avaazers created a nationwide backlash.
We are already winning! Our 800k petition to save the Amazon was delivered Wednesday in Congress and a judge just decided Temer can't move further on these evil plans for the Amazon. Let's keep the pressure up and build the biggest movement to protect Amazon ever! Join us, sign and share!

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Temer was on track to destroy a piece of the Amazon the size of Denmark -- until Brazilian Avaazers created a nationwide backlash and forced him to back down! But to stop more Amazon destroying bills now in line to be passed, we need to take this momentum and turn it into a global scandal. In less than two weeks, Brazil's President will face fellow leaders and the global media at a major UN summit in New York -- let's meet him with a million people worldwide backing Brazil's call -- All for the Amazon!
Dear friends,

The checks have been handed out, and now Temer is paying the agribusiness caucus back for the votes he bought -- the price is a massive piece of the Amazon!

Now Congress wants to approve several laws to open swaths of the Amazon the size of hundreds of soccer fields in the heart of the forest to mining, logging and cattle ranching. But we can stop this nonsense!

Last week, Temer quietly approved the deforestation of an area equivalent to the size of Denmark but Brazilian Avaazers created a nationwide backlash and forced him to back down!

But we have to keep fighting: he's trying to pass a similar bill anytime now that will be assessed by a special committee, and we need to pressure them to abandon it once and for all. Sign now and share with everyone:

Sign to stop Amazon destruction!

It's the second time they've tried to approve this law in less than two months. But now the bill has come and Temer is desperate to pay back the MPs whose votes he bought to protect him from the corruption investigation. It's all connected... the ruralistas voted to protect him, they own or are financed by companies in the agribusiness, mining and logging: coincidentally, all the activities that will be, round the clock, legalized with this law. And that's just the beginning!

This law will give a subsidy of R$605 million to landgrabbers, so they can buy the lands they illegally invaded...it's SURREAL! These landgrabbers besides illegally deforesting the Amazon for years, are directly linked to violent massacres of the local population and indigenous people that were trying to resist the invasions.

Their violence and illegality is now being REWARDED.

Let's make sure the Congress and Temer know we are vigilant, and that we'll react every single time they try to take away our rights and those of our next generations! The Amazon needs us:

Sign to stop Amazon destruction!

Every piece of forest we can protect is a victory for the planet's biodiversity, and a blow to those who try to profit from the heritage of humanity. Our community already fought to save many natural areas across the world, let's unite again and protect this precious piece of the Amazon.

With hope and determination,

Flora, Carol, Laura, Nana, Diego and the rest of the Avaaz team.

More information:

Environmentalists in Brazil blame government for Amazon land violence (The Guardian)

Brazil abolishes huge Amazon reserve in 'biggest attack' in 50 years (The Guardian)

Temer pushes Amazon deforestation bill in Brazil (Financial Times)

Activists decry Temer's Amazon deforestation bill (Al Jazeera)

Brazilian court blocks abolition of vast Amazon reserve (The Guardian)

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