
Stop Trump’s internet takeover — in 2 days!

Trump is forcing a company to turn over the personal details of everyone who visited an anti-Trump website!
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Trump is forcing a company to turn over the personal details of everyone who visited an anti-Trump website! He could do whatever he wants with this kind of power, like helping his dictator friends crack down on their citizens. Lawyers are taking him to court and if a million of us file a brief with the judge, it could have a huge impact on the case. Add your name and let's stop Trump's internet takeover!
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Dear friends,

Trump is forcing an internet provider to turn over the personal details of 1.3 million people who visited an anti-Trump website! From anywhere in the world!

But we have 2 days to stop him.

This could impact all of us -- over half of the world's websites are hosted in the US. And Trump can do whatever he wants with the data, like give it to dictator friends to help them crack down on their own citizens.

Lawyers are taking him to court, but they'll focus on the impact on Americans. The judge can also consider the rights of non-US citizens and if we bring a court filing backed by a million people around the world, arguing that our rights are at risk too, it could have a huge impact on the case!

Add your name urgently -- the hearing is on Thursday and Avaaz staff is getting ready to file our brief to the court in front of the media:

Click to stop Trump's Internet takeover

This kind of power would mean that Trump could demand the IP addresses and behaviour of every visitor to Avaaz's website too. Or Wikipedia or Youtube. Under US law, American citizens would have protections for what he can do with their information, but the rest of us would have nothing. It would transform our free internet into a big brother state with Trump at the helm.

We can't let it happen.

Thankfully, US law could stop him if the judge feels like the threat to privacy outweighs Trump's "security" concerns. And the fact that his first victims are visitors to a website directly protesting his power is a mark in our favour. But the argument is even stronger if we can show the danger this power holds for foreign website visitors who have no protection under US law and could be jailed or worse simply for signing a petition!

Let's add our voices now, and make sure the judge knows that his decision will affect the whole world!

Click to stop Trump's Internet takeover

The internet is more than just another issue, it's what empowers our movement to connect as human beings and win strategic fights that lift all of us up. This is our chance to make sure it doesn't get overrun by Trump and his cronies!

With hope,

Danny, Mia, Anne, Andrew, Martyna, Ricken and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:
Tech firm is fighting a federal demand for data on visitors to an anti-Trump website (Washington Post)

In J20 Investigation, DOJ Overreaches Again. And Gets Taken to Court Again (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

DreamHost is fighting DoJ request for 1.3M IP addresses of visitors to anti-Trump protest site (Tech Crunch)

US government demands details on all visitors to anti-Trump protest website (The Guardian)

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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