
The elephants' last decade?!

Dear friends,

African elephants have just 10 years left before extinction. 10 years!!!

We're wiping them out. Just to trade in stupid trinkets! 

The only way to save them is a global ban on ivory, and finally it's within reach. But Europe is refusing to phase out it's antique ivory market. It claims there's not enough evidence it's driving the demise of elephants, but everyone knows this trade is covering up smuggled ivory from recently slaughtered elephants.

So we've found a way to prove it :-) 

We're teaming up with a top wildlife investigator to source 'antiques' across Europe, and a first class university to radiocarbon test them! These incredible tests can tell the age and origin of ivory. 

But it isn't cheap. Avaaz may be the only crowdsourced funding model in the world able to raise enough, fast enough to get the biggest, grassroots-supported, scientific study ready to lobby the EU before the next major ivory meeting. 

If 40,000 of us donate today, we are ready to move. Chip in what you can - let's ensure this is not the elephants' last decade.

Poachers are killing 100 elephants a day -- shooting them from helicopters, or hacking their faces off while they're still alive. It's unbearably cruel. And the worst is the elephants understand what's happening to them. They spend hours crying over dead family members.

But momentum has never been as strong to end this bloody business. The US and China passed ivory bans. Hong Kong looks set to phaseout trade by 2021. And after a massive Avaaz campaign, the EU suspended trade in raw ivory. Now, they're looking at further restrictions.

Our evidence could be the trump card!

If we raise enough today, we can start the carbon testing. Then, with our evidence, we can send scientists to lobby decision-makers, and run hard-hitting campaigns until Europe closes its domestic trade, ends ivory exports, and we win a global ban.

This is ground-breaking work -- but no one else is ready to hit go on a project this ambitious. Chip in what you can:

Once there were 25 million elephants roaming Africa. Now we could wipe out the entire species in a decade! It's a terrible sign of how disconnected we are. Let's turn this around, and show how humanity can come back from the brink.

With hope,
Alice, Danny, Oli, Spyro, Marigona, Allison and the whole Avaaz team.

More information:

In Fighting Illegal Ivory, EU Lags Behind (National Geographic)

Elephants on the path to extinction - the facts (The Guardian)

Elephant poachers are hard at work in Africa, and carbon dating proves it (LA Times)

100,000 Elephants Killed by Poachers in Just Three Years, Landmark Analysis Finds (National Geographic)

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