
We'll never save more lives than right now

Dear Avaaz movement,

We may never save more lives than right now.

Thousands of desperate Rohingya are stranded on one side of the river between Burma and Bangladesh. They've fled horrific terror, are within sight of safety, but have no money to hire fishing boats to cross, and the army is closing in.

As soon as the Avaaz team heard about this we wired money to local partners who have started hiring boats -- hundreds of people have been saved already!

But now we can help move even more, and get food, supplies, and shelter to the few competent organisations helping desperate families that make it to the other side.

This is real, and if we act fast, your donation could actually save a human life. It costs just R$32 to ferry one child or mother across the river to safety. Avaaz will not keep a cent of this money -- and we'll send all donors an update in days on what happens and how money has been spent:

Over 400,000 Rohingya have fled genocide and ethnic cleansing in Burma in the past 3 weeks. That's nearly half their entire people. Many of the rest are trapped between marauding bands of brutal militia and the water.

80% of those escaping are women and children(!), but no one is yet coordinating the rescue and relief. It's too many people, too fast.

Whatever we raise together will be immediately wired to Avaaz's trusted local partners who can get help to these traumatised people right now. If we discover other ways we can help, we'll poll donors first before pursuing them.

The root cause of this tragedy is man-made. It is political. Avaaz has campaigned to protect the Rohingya for many years. We've won battles, but this horror shows we have failed, and while we keep fighting to pressure the Burmese and our governments to stop the terror, we have to meet this urgent humanitarian need. Chip in now:

This may be the single most life-saving thing our movement has ever done. Let's help end the terror for these people and get the long-suffering Rohingya to safety in their hour of greatest need.

With hope and urgency,
Alice, Ricken, Allison, Rewan, Nataliya, Oli and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

Bodies wash up on Bangladesh shore as Rohingya flee Myanmar (Reuters)

Myanmar says 40% of Rohingya villages targeted by army are now empty (The Guardian)

Who Are Myanmar's Rohingya? (VOA)

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