
A Chernobyl in the Amazon

Justice is finally in sight for the indigenous who've suffered cancer and chaos after Chevron's Amazon Chernobyl toxic spills.
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After oil giant Chevron dumped billions of deadly chemicals in the Amazon, Indigenous families in Ecuador were devastated by cancer and death. But a vote in days could bring justice and hold companies to account for their crimes -- if we persuade just one more big investor to vote for an end to the Amazon's Chernobyl. We've got 48 hours -- Sign now! 
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Dear friends,

Oil giant Chevron dumped billions of gallons of deadly chemicals in the Ecuadorian Amazon, leaving behind rivers full of toxic waste, decimating wildlife and spreading cancer and death in indigenous communities. 

They've never cleaned it up! But Chevron's impunity could finally end if we persuade just one man to do the right thing

Chevron's top stockholder is a US retirement fund whose chair has challenged corporate abuse before, and his customers are part of this community! If we flood him with support in the next 48 hours he could tip a historic vote -- at Chevron's shareholder meeting in days. Add your name now: 

Join the Call for Justice for the Amazon's Chernobyl

The battle between Chevron and Ecuador's indigenous people has been waged for decades, becoming a landmark case globally. Over 20 judges in Ecuador and Canada, including the Supreme Courts of both countries, have sided with the Ecuadorians in their pursuit to hold Chevron to account for dumping toxic waste in the water that people drink.

A win against Chevron could open a new era where major corporations are finally held accountable for their crimes!

That's where investor powerhouse Vanguard and its powerful chairman comes in. Vanguard owns a large share of Chevron, and has just recently voted against management on climate-related resolutions at ExxonMobil, criticising executive pay at Viacom and pushing big banks on gender diversity. With Chevron's shareholder meeting in days, over 30 major investors are already calling on the company to settle the case. 

Vanguard Chairman Bill McNabb is a father of four who's called on CEOs to be a "force for good." Getting him on board could tip the balance toward a majority vote against Chevron's recalcitrant management! Add your name now and we'll deliver our appeal directly to the chairman, right before the meeting

Join the Call for Justice for the Amazon's Chernobyl

Avaazers have campaigned against Chevron before, delivering letters to US senators, and filing legal briefings in court cases with partners. This is an incredible opportunity to get Chevron to finally clean up its toxic mess ... and open up a new era of investor-driven social change!

With hope and determination,

Joseph, Pascal, Mike, Alice, Emma, Ricken and the entire Avaaz team

More information:

Shareholders Push New Chevron CEO For Answers on Ecuador

Tell Chevron's New CEO to Finally Clean up Ecuador! (Amazon Watch)

In the Vanguard: Fund giants urge CEOs to be 'Force for Good'

Investor Letter on Risks from Ecuador Litigation

Exxon Mobil loses support of a powerful voice in climate change policy

Chevron's "Amazon Chernobyl" in Ecuador: The Real Irrefutable Truths About the Company's Toxic Dumping and Fraud (Huffington Post)

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