
Trump's child hostages -- it’s not over

Dear friends,

Amazing -- the Avaaz community is funding emergency legal support for hundreds of kids in cages at the US border, and helping partner groups reunite these families right away! Even if you can't donate, there's more you can do. Spread this emergency appeal far and wide using the share buttons below:

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You can also forward the original email below (or chip in yourself if you can). Thank you so much!

The whole team at Avaaz


Dear friends,

2,300 children have been torn from their parents and put in cages as part of Trump's latest sick political game!

After a massive outcry, Trump just said he'd stop separating families. But that does nothing for those already torn apart.

These child hostages were rounded up into cages, then locked-in under lights blaring 24 hours a day. 'Mami!', 'Papa!' they sob, but workers at detention centres can't even touch them to comfort them! And most don't have lawyers to get them out.

But there's something we can do right now to help them. If 50,000 of us donate in the next 48 hours, we can help make sure the children ripped from their families get a lawyer to get them out and back to their parents. Then we'll campaign relentlessly to stop the politics that allowed this horror to happen.

Chip in what you can to help free Trump's child hostages -- funds will be immediately transferred to groups at the border to represent the kids and reunite families, then Avaaz actions will launch across the country:

  Trump's been using these innocent children as political pawns to strong-arm Congress to give him the money he wants to build his wall on the US-Mexico border. After weeks of lying, public outrage finally pushed him to end the brutal separation policy -- but while families now may get to stay together, children will still be held in cages with their parents, like animals!

And for the children already separated, nothing has changed -- except the spotlight has shifted. They're still being held in cages or makeshift tents, sleeping on cold floors, alone, and they aren't allowed access to their parents. The long-term psychological effects are chilling.

Without lawyers, these children may be imprisoned for weeks on end. They may be transferred thousands of miles away, and parents are even being deported without their kids! But with a lawyer, we could get them out and reunited with their desperate families.

It's heartbreaking to think of all these children huddled together petrified -- but we can help make sure they have someone to watch out for them even while their parents can't, then ramp up campaigns to end the politics of this inhumanity. Chip in now:

Listening to the recording of the desperate cries of children in a detention centre made me sob imagining my own screaming toddler alone without me, in a cage! Let's come together to get urgent help to these thousands of children, right now. Let's show them that the world stands with them, ready to draw a line in the sand to stop these inexcusable horrors.

With hope and determination,

Allison, Meetali, Danny, Nataliya, Nell, Jenny, Andrew and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

No clear plan yet on how to reunite parents with children (AP News)

The executive order Trump claims will end family separation, explained (Vox)

Pentagon Asked to Prepare Housing for Up to 20,000 Migrant Children Video (NY Times)

"These Kids are Traumatized: For Migrant Children Caught at the Border, Detention is just the beginning (Vanity Fair)

We All Need to Fight to End the Separation of Immigrant Families (The Nation)

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