
Trump's worst nightmare

Trump hates climate scientists who say we can't keep burning coal. Well, he can fire his scientists but he can't fire us -- and now we can create Trump's worst nightmare by cancelling coal's insurance contracts! CEOs meet tomorrow and they're considering backing away -- let's make sure they do!
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Trump hates climate scientists who say we can't keep burning coal. Well, he can fire his scientists but he can't fire us -- and now we can create Trump's worst nightmare by cancelling coal's insurance contracts! CEOs meet tomorrow and they're considering backing away -- let's make sure they do!
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Dear friends,

With Trump at the wheel, climate change is spinning out of control -- but now we can create his worst nightmare by canceling coal's insurance contracts!

He's in love with building coal power plants that destroy our planet, but they can't survive without insurance. Big providers are starting to back away thanks to public pressure - if we get just one more insurance giant to join, we can light a fire under the entire industry!

Insurance CEOs are about to meet in Berlin, and a massive German insurer, Munich RE, could be next to dump coal! Let's get to 1 million signatures and deliver our call with ads and billboard trucks at Munich RE's headquarters and encircling the meeting venue!  

Click to create Trump's worst nightmare and save the climate

Momentum is building! Allianz, the world's biggest direct insurance company, just made an ambitious commitment to drop coal and now it's the perfect moment for us to get another huge German company on board.

Munich Re is the largest global reinsurer -- covering hundreds of insurance companies, which means they have the power to write coal's death sentence! Their CEO is hesitating on this issue right now but he cares about his reputation and we can grab his attention if we cause a stir ahead of this key meeting on home turf in Berlin!

Some of us could be concerned about job losses but insurance companies are giving plenty of notice. There will be enough time for people to transition out of these dying industries - which employ more machines and fewer people these days anyway. Plus -- renewable energy is already creating millions of jobs worldwide.

Our governments are not moving fast enough to stop the planet from overheating and if we don't intervene now -- we're going to leave our children in a world that bears no resemblance to the one we inherited. This is the secret weapon we need so let's launch it!

Click to create Trump's worst nightmare and save the climate

It's been one year since Trump pulled the US out of the Paris Agreement and we can't sit back and watch him destroy everything we've fought so hard to protect. Let's use this anniversary to send a wrecking ball through his plans to build a new coal empire. Once we've got Munich Re on board we'll go after other big guns like AIG -- until there's not enough companies left to spread the risk around, which means game over for coal AND tar sands!  

With hope and determination,

Lisa, Daniel, Emma, Christoph, Danny and the entire Avaaz team


Allianz cuts back on coal insurance after environmentalist criticism (Reuters)

Insurers go cold on coal industry (Financial Times)

Could Paris city council push global insurance giants to ditch coal? (Business Green) 

Insuring coal no more - Scorecard (Unfriend Coal) 

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