
24 hours to stop the horror

Turkey's invasion of Syria has left children dead and maimed, and tens of thousands homeless. But if we're fast, it could also be a turning point! The US and Europe are considering how to respond, and if we rapidly ramp up the pressure for both to fully stop arms sales to Turkey, it could force Turkey off the battlefield and all sides into peace talks. We've got 24 hours -- sign now and Avaaz will plaster our call in major media outlets in Europe and the US!

Turkey's invasion of Syria has left children dead and maimed, and tens of thousands homeless. But if we're fast, it could also be a turning point! The US and Europe are considering how to respond, and if we rapidly ramp up the pressure for both to fully stop arms sales to Turkey, it could force Turkey off the battlefield and all sides into peace talks. We've got 24 hours -- sign now and Avaaz will plaster our call in major media outlets in Europe and the US!
Dear friends,

Turkey's sudden invasion of Syria has left children dead and maimed, tens of thousands homeless, and put Syrian and Turkish troops on track for full-blown confrontation.

But if we are fast, it could also be a turning point -- a chance to stop Syria's agony.

Already the US has slapped sanctions on Turkey, and some European countries have suspended new weapons sales. But so far, it's not enough to stop the attacks -- we need to rapidly ramp up the pressure on Turkey to force it off the battlefield and all sides into peace talks.

EU leaders are meeting in just 24 hours, the US Congress soon after. Let's deliver a massive call for the US and Europe to stop all arms sales to Turkey and throw their weight behind an urgent peace process. Once it's big, Avaaz will run public opinion polls showing a vast majority want this to happen and plaster our call in major media outlets in Europe and the US!

Tell Europe and the US: Stand up for Syria's people!

It's a long road to peace in Syria, but we have to start somewhere. And it can't happen while EU countries and the US keep selling weapons to Turkey, and Turkish troops are invading the country. But President Erdogan needs Europe and the US for trade and diplomatic relations, so a decisive response from both to his deadly offensive is crucial!

This whole mess started with Trump pulling US troops out of Syria, and betraying the Kurds after they helped fight ISIS. After massive backlash, he's now responding with sanctions -- but that's still not enough.

The Turkish President loves to threaten Europe with a tidal wave of refugees, but this is a moment to face down such threats with global leadership. Let's build a massive call on the EU and the US to stop selling weapons to Turkey and get behind a global push for a real peace process instead!

Tell Europe and the US: Stand up for Syria's people!

We have campaigned to end the war in Syria since it started 8 years ago. From calling for safe zones and humanitarian corridors, to supporting refugees fleeing terror. Each time, it feels terribly difficult -- but we won't stop trying until the day we see a free Syria.
With hope,
Rewan, Christoph, Wissam, Joseph, and the entire Avaaz team

More information:

Two children among civilians killed in first wave of Turkey's campaign against Syrian Kurdish group (The Independent)

Turkish troops advance into Syria as Trump washes hands of the Kurds (The Guardian)

Sen. Graham calls Trump decision on Syria 'biggest blunder of his presidency' (Washington Post)

Recipe for disaster: how Erdogan's invasion of Syria will create a new refugee crisis (The Times)

EU Leaders May Impose Weapons Embargo on Turkey Over Syria (Bloomberg)

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