
They're under attack

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Dear friends,

The climate kids are under attack!

New investigations just revealed that powerful networks of climate change deniers and far-right figures have gone into overdrive spreading toxic smears about the brave young people who inspired millions of us to march.

From suggesting they're puppets bankrolled by billionaires to claiming they're "brainwashed" and "abused" -- people everywhere are being bombarded with disinformation about these courageous kids. It's just one example of how the far right is using social media to drown out the voices of those who speak truth to power, and spread their lies to citizens everywhere.

But, we've found an *AWESOME* way to fight back...

A small Avaaz investigative team in Europe uncovered disinformation networks that generated 3 BILLION views in just a year. We splashed it all over the media, reported it to Facebook, and within days, they took it down! This was just six countries in Europe -- now we need to roll this out across the globe!

If we all chip in now, we can launch urgent investigations into the biggest disinformation networks that are spreading lies and hate on everything from climate change to refugees. Our movement is a leading force in the global fight against these toxic lies -- and if we raise enough, we can scale up the team, and get to work right away!

Our beautiful Earth is on the brink, and all over the world people are taking to the streets to save it. But it won't happen if our people are divided by far-right lies -- so chip in now and let's go all out to defend the truth and our planet:

Hundreds of millions of citizens from Brazil to the Philippines, the US to Italy are being bombarded with far-right fake news spread on Facebook, Youtube, and WhatsApp. The best way to stop them is to investigate the vast networks pumping out coordinated disinformation and get them taken down.

The latest attacks on the climate movement and science are straight from the far-right disinformation playbook. 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and humans are causing it. But right now trolls are hijacking the facts -- and smearing those who tell the truth most powerfully!

And it's not just climate change. Our investigation in Europe showed these networks pump out lies on almost any topic that can turn people against each other. We know how to respond to these threats -- but we have to go big, and we have to do it fast. If we raise enough, we can:
  • Scale up our team of investigators to take down the troll networks and train others to detect and report disinformation;
  • Launch urgent investigations all over the world to protect our planet and our democracies; 
  • Pressure social media companies to tackle the problem, and push governments to pass regulations;
  • Power a global advocacy team that produces hard-hitting reports and splashes our findings all over the media to warn the public. 
Saving life on Earth is going to take all of us to come together, but this attack on the truth is aimed at driving us apart. It could be a death sentence for our planet -- so chip in now, and let's fight back, and win, for our children and our future:

The Avaaz community has done so much to protect life in all its forms. We've bought and protected thousands of acres of habitat to keep it safe, helped win the Paris climate deal, and stood by indigenous people defending their land. Now we need to do something different -- stand up for the truth, and protect our democracies and our planet from the lies that could destroy them.

With hope, love and determination,

Marigona, Bert, Sofia, Christoph, Camille, Francesco, Flora and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

Teenage Girls Are Leading The Climate Movement — And Getting Attacked For It (Buzzfeed news)

Right-wing media launch unhinged attacks after climate strikes (Media Matters)

Climate deniers get more media play than scientists: study (France 24)

Far-right Facebook groups 'spreading hate to millions in Europe' (The Guardian)

Landmark UN report warns sea levels will rise faster than projected by 2100 (CNN)

Avaaz is a 51-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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