
A message for you about what we do -- and an invitation

Dear precious Avaazers,

You're getting this email because you once signed an Avaaz campaign that didn't ask others to do something. You committed to do something yourself. That's leadership, and humanity is about to need good leaders more than ever.

This crisis won't be just about public health. The shutdowns might last months, perhaps a year. The virus will have a profound impact on our economies. And our societies. And history teaches us that from such disruption, social and political change may well follow. For better, or worse.

Our job is to make it for the better. To seize the gift of the virus -- its teaching: that we are all tightly bound together in a garment of destiny, that this has never been more true, and that to face this test, we must stand together like never before. And that there are many obstacles to that outcome, but chief among them is ourselves: our fear, our differences, the many ways in which we don't feel ready to be our best.

And that's why in this time, more than ever, we need wisdom. The wisdom to welcome this adversity, to let it make us stronger, not weaker. The wisdom to welcome our shortcomings, so they trigger not a spiral of shame, but an opportunity for acceptance and growth. The wisdom to welcome our differences as part of our beautiful and valuable diversity, and tap the infinite power of love to connect us and propel us forward on our journey.

That's why I'm coming to you, the people who clicked "I'm in" on an email I sent titled 'A Fellowship of Humanity' a long time ago. Because I believe you're the leaders we've been waiting for. And there's something specific that I believe you can do to rise to this moment: launch our movement in your community.

Across the world, local community groups are going to be essential to assist the vulnerable to maintain the physical distancing that could save them, create online connection to overcome isolation and loneliness, and share wisdom, humour and warmth to help everyone get through, and even thrive, in this time. Our movement -- you -- can catalyze and sustain these groups to bring beautiful wisdom and help to others. And in the fire of this crisis, we might create something special -- a movement that is both global and local -- with beautiful love, flowing wisdom, and the strength of purpose and resolve. Rising to the challenge of this virus could be the first effort of this new Avaaz, part of many things to come. This is part of how we all emerge stronger from this.

The best tool we have to begin this path is a local Facebook "group". It's easy to set up, easy to join, and allows anyone to post wisdom or a request for help and anyone to answer, with the ability to shift to private messaging anytime both people want. It's also mostly likely to spread fast, and a majority of Avaaz members are on Facebook. Will you start one? We'll give you a lot of support on how, and what to post, and we'll invite Avaaz members in your area to join your group. And you'll be connected with others who have started groups across the world to compare notes. It's going to be a wonderful group of people from across the planet that answer this call.

I find taking a moment to really listen for what's right to be magic. So you might take a breath, and listen for whether you are called by this. Please don't feel obligated or moved by anything but inspiration. Are you in?

Yes, I'm in.

With enormous gratitude and hope for everyone in this movement,

Ricken and the whole Avaaz team

Avaaz is a 55-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails when you signed "Community Petitions Site" on 2016-08-14 using the email address iphone108@gmail.com.
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