
The Coronavirus Cure

Imagine there's a vaccine for coronavirus, but old and sick people across the world couldn't get it. Why? Because Trump produced it exclusively for the US!! Yes, Trump reportedly just tried to buy EXCLUSIVE access to a Coronavirus vaccine! We must stop him, and anyone trying to do the same -- sign now and share with everyone!

Imagine there's a vaccine for coronavirus, but old and sick people across the world couldn't get it. Why? Because Trump produced it exclusively for the US!! Yes, Trump reportedly just tried to buy EXCLUSIVE access to a Coronavirus vaccine! We must stop him, and anyone trying to do the same -- sign now and share with everyone!
sign now
Dear friends,

Imagine there's a vaccine for coronavirus, but old and sick people across the world couldn't get it.

Why? Because Trump produced it exclusively for the US!!

Yes, Trump reportedly just tried to buy EXCLUSIVE access to a coronavirus vaccine! It's sheer insanity, and we need to stop him, and anyone trying to produce a cure just for their own people!

And we can: Next week, the G20 countries are going to convene an emergency meeting -- and it's on us to make sure that any coronavirus vaccine is being produced for the world, and that governments and scientists across the globe work together to develop it as fast as they can. Or countless innocent lives will be lost.

Sign now -- once we reach 1 million, we'll run massive ads in key international papers ahead of the summit!

Join the call for a coronavirus vaccine for all!

Developing vaccines is a tricky business. Billions of dollars in investment are needed, trials take time, and it's hard to mass produce them - so richer countries often compete to get their hands on them first. But this is a global crisis and we need a global vaccine -- no region should be left behind!

Our decision-makers know this isn't the time for business as usual. World Leaders at a G7 Summit just told Trump that medical firms must share research on a coronavirus vaccine and coordinate internationally, but we need to hold them to account!

If one million of us rally behind this one global call, it will become that much harder for leaders like Trump to prioritise politics over public health. And Big Pharma will realise how deeply unpopular they'll become if they push for profit during a global crisis.

So let's make our call massive before the emergency G20 Summit. Sign and share now and let's demand an affordable vaccine for all!

Join the call for a coronavirus vaccine for all!

The coronavirus is scary, but we're all in this together and right now our collective voices are more powerful than ever. So, let's make something beautiful blossom from this crisis and protect all of us from this pandemic, no matter where we live or how much money we have. We've never believed more in our global community -- we can do this together.

With fierce hope,

Sarah, Alaphia, Chris, Bert, Muriel, Nick, Luis and the rest of the Avaaz team.

More information:

U.S. Offered 'Large Sum' to German Company for Access to Coronavirus Vaccine Research, German Officials Say (New York Times)

Coronavirus vaccine: Scientists race to develop prevention (BBC)

New vaccines must not be monopolised, G7 tells Donald Trump (The Guardian)

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that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

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