
Earth Day Podcasts You’ll Love to the Moon & Back

Get grounded in these shows that celebrate Earth

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Earth Day

 Earth Day - Listen Now

For what it's Earth, we've got the shows that explore and celebrate our beautiful planet! From green thumbs to green jobs to the Animal Kingdom, these soundwaves will carry you through some of the most exhilarating facets of Earth.

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Featured Podcast Episodes

Curiosity Daily - 'Bill Nye's Earth Day Tips to Save Our Planet'

To help you celebrate Earth Day, Bill Nye discusses some unexpected ways we can save our environment.

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Stuff Mom Never Told You - Listen Now

The Ten News - 'Celebrating Earth Day'

Let's kick off our Earth Day celebration by learning about its origins.

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Pretty Big Deal- Listen Now

A Matter of Degrees - 'Green Jobs...For All?'

President Biden's American Jobs Plan promises big investments in the clean-energy economy, including clean energy workforce and education programs.

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Fierce - Listen Now

Humans Growing Stuff - 'Learning Life Lessons from Plants'

It's our last episode of the season and we're looking back at the many lessons plants have taught us about being better humans.

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Humans Growing Stuff - 'Learning Life Lessons from Plants'


You'll be inspired after this audio experience, so here are a few playlists for your journeys!

Earth Vibes - Listen Now

Earth Vibes

Road Trip!

Road Trip!

Yacht Rock - Listen Now

Yacht Rock

Caribbean Dance Music

Caribbean Dance Music


iHeartRadio PodGuides

iHeartRadio Podguides - Listen Now

You can go anywhere in the world with one tap! From the sunny southern sands to the Northern lights, iHeartRadio PodGuides explore the world through an interactive map that's pinned with podcast episodes that serve as your local guide.

Explore Now

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