
Tree massacre

Majestic forests around the world are being destroyed to produce ever more beef, palm oil, cocoa, timber, and paper. Now legislators in the US are considering new laws to stop forest-killing products from entering their country -- this could transform global supply chains and help save our forests! But with US elections looming we don't have much time – we need to deliver massive public pressure to lawmakers fast! Add your name to protect our precious forests: Dear friends, All over the world, ancient forests that sustain life on Earth are being destroyed to produce beef, palm oil, cocoa, timber, and paper for ever-hungry consumer markets like the US.Now we have a HUGE chance to fight back!Legislators in the US are considering powerful new laws to keep forest-killing products out of the country. This could be a game-changer – the US is home to many of the world's biggest companies, and these laws could transform global supply chains and help protect these precious forests, and the people and animals who call them home.But first we have to get the laws passed, and fast. Elections are looming, so let's show US lawmakers that citizens across the world want them to act. Let's reach 1 million global voices, and Avaaz will team up with partners to deliver a massive call to stop the forest massacre that threatens us all!

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