Majestic forests around the world are being destroyed to produce ever more beef, palm oil, cocoa, timber, and paper. Now legislators in the US are considering new laws to stop forest-killing products from entering their country -- this could transform global supply chains and help save our forests! But with US elections looming we don't have much time – we need to deliver massive public pressure to lawmakers fast! Add your name to protect our precious forests: Dear friends, All over the world, ancient forests that sustain life on Earth are being destroyed to produce beef, palm oil, cocoa, timber, and paper for ever-hungry consumer markets like the US.Now we have a HUGE chance to fight back!Legislators in the US are considering powerful new laws to keep forest-killing products out of the country. This could be a game-changer – the US is home to many of the world's biggest companies, and these laws could transform global supply chains and help protect these precious forests, and the people and animals who call them home.But first we have to get the laws passed, and fast. Elections are looming, so let's show US lawmakers that citizens across the world want them to act. Let's reach 1 million global voices, and Avaaz will team up with partners to deliver a massive call to stop the forest massacre that threatens us all!
| Majestic forests around the world are being destroyed to produce ever more beef, palm oil, cocoa, timber, and paper. Now legislators in the US are considering new laws to stop forest-killing products from entering their country -- this could transform global supply chains and help save our forests! But with US elections looming we don't have much time – we need to deliver massive public pressure to lawmakers fast! Add your name to protect our precious forests: | | | Dear friends, | All over the world, ancient forests that sustain life on Earth are being destroyed to produce beef, palm oil, cocoa, timber, and paper for ever-hungry consumer markets like the US.
Now we have a HUGE chance to fight back!
Legislators in the US are considering powerful new laws to keep forest-killing products out of the country. This could be a game-changer – the US is home to many of the world's biggest companies, and these laws could transform global supply chains and help protect these precious forests, and the people and animals who call them home.
But first we have to get the laws passed, and fast. Elections are looming, so let's show US lawmakers that citizens across the world want them to act. Let's reach 1 million global voices, and Avaaz will team up with partners to deliver a massive call to stop the forest massacre that threatens us all! | | | Giant American companies like McDonald's and Walmart have been exposed for allegedly selling beef linked to the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. Up to half of all packaged products in supermarkets contain palm oil, whose production is wrecking the habitats of orangutans and pygmy elephants. US supermarkets are a forest destruction crime scene – everything from coffee, chocolate, paper and cosmetics can be tainted by deforestation!
These new laws would help stop companies from importing products linked to deforestation, cutting off a massive driver of forest destruction! With US companies forced to comply with the new laws, the impact will be felt all over the world.
With US Congressional elections in November, and our forests facing massive threats, this year could really make a difference. So let's get these laws passed now! For the trees, the jaguars, the songbirds, the gorillas, and the millions of people who live in the world's forests -- and for every time you've ever looked up at a tree in wonder -- add your name now. | | We know this works. Two years ago, hundreds of thousands of Avaazers helped drive the biggest response to an environmental consultation in history, flooding the European Union with messages demanding a ban on forest-killing products. Now the EU is preparing a bill on this crucial issue! Let's come together again to protect Earth's forests before it's too late.
With hope,
Laura, Bert, Spyro, Risalat, Anneke, Mike, Aloys and the whole Avaaz team | | | | |
Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. | You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails when you signed "Community Petitions Site" on 2016-08-14 using the email address To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, contact us, or simply go here to unsubscribe. | | | 27 Union Square West Suite 500 New York, NY 10003 | | |
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