
Celebrating Women’s Equality Day

Podcasts & Playlists celebrating HERoism

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Women's Equality Day

Women's Equality Day- Listen Now

From voting rights to gender pay gaps, we recognize the perseverance towards equality. These podcasts highlight the HERoism and stories of women to continue the movement.

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Podcasts Episodes

American History Tellers - "The Fight for Women's Suffrage | Created Equal | 1"

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony built a movement to push for women's suffrage. But in the years after the Civil War, racial tensions broke apart the decades-old alliance between those fighting for the end of slavery and those fighting for women's voting rights.

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American History Tellers - The Fight for Women's Suffrage | Created Equal | 1

Sports Illustrated Weekly - "50 Years After Title IX There's Still Work to Be Done"

2022 marked 50 years of Title IX, the landmark legislation that set the stage for gender equality in sports. SI staffers Kristen Nelson, Jamie Lisanti, Emma Baccellieri, and Julie Kliegman reflect on how far we've come, and what barriers are still preventing women in sports from achieving true equality.

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Sports Illustrated Weekly - '50 Years After Title IX There's Still Work to Be Done'

The Gabby Reece Show - "Catherine Grey - Investing in Women"

Catherine Gray is interested in supporting equality and women entrepreneurs. With the creation of her 360karma business, she connects phenomenal female founders and funders to help address the need for women's funding.

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The Gabby Reece Show

Stuff Mom Never Told You - "The Scully Effect: We Want to Believe"

The truth is out there, and it is that Dana Scully is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to women and girls getting into STEM. Bridget Todd joins us to break down the real world impact of this fictional character, with some nerding out along the way.

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Stuff Mom Never Told You - The Scully Effect: We Want to Believe

Empowering Anthems by Women

Women's Equality Day - Listen Now

Women's Equality Day

Women of iHeartCountry - Listen Now

Women of iHeartCountry

Women of R&B - Listen Now

Women of R&B

Women Of Hip Hop - Listen Now

Women Of Hip Hop

Women Who Rock - Listen Now

Women Who Rock

Women of Dance - Listen Now

Women of Dance


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