For over fifty years, Palestinians have lived under military occupation. They've been shot at, humiliated and had their human rights violated every single day. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers have built vast gated communities on Palestinian land, and diverted water and other resources - all partly paid for by global businesses run from occupied land. Enough! A legal initiative just launched could help end the trade once and for all, making these war crimes unprofitable for the first time in history. For this effort to succeed, European law requires that one million of us sign onto it. Now more than ever: every signature matters. Add your name and tell everyone: Dear friends, For over fifty years, Palestinians have lived under a military occupation that strips them of their basic rights. They've been shot at, humiliated, displaced and had their human rights violated every single day. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers have built vast gated communities on Palestinian land, and diverted water and other resources, all partly paid for by businesses run from occupied land. And until now, the rest of the world has looked on. Enough. Across Europe, a movement is stirring, made up of citizens, trade unions, and human rights groups coming together to demand that the European Union bans trade from companies profiting from the occupation of Palestine. And if enough of us join, the EU could be forced to act! Under European law, if a million people sign a special petition called a Citizens Initiative, we could end the trade that bankrolls the occupation. Click to add your support -- and let's stand up for Palestine together!
| For over fifty years, Palestinians have lived under military occupation. They've been shot at, humiliated and had their human rights violated every single day. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers have built vast gated communities on Palestinian land, and diverted water and other resources - all partly paid for by global businesses run from occupied land. Enough! A legal initiative just launched could help end the trade once and for all, making these war crimes unprofitable for the first time in history. For this effort to succeed, European law requires that one million of us sign onto it. Now more than ever: every signature matters. Add your name and tell everyone: | | | Dear friends, | For over fifty years, Palestinians have lived under a military occupation that strips them of their basic rights. They've been shot at, humiliated, displaced and had their human rights violated every single day. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers have built vast gated communities on Palestinian land, and diverted water and other resources, all partly paid for by businesses run from occupied land. And until now, the rest of the world has looked on. Enough. Across Europe, a movement is stirring, made up of citizens, trade unions, and human rights groups coming together to demand that the European Union bans trade from companies profiting from the occupation of Palestine. And if enough of us join, the EU could be forced to act! Under European law, if a million people sign a special petition called a Citizens Initiative, we could end the trade that bankrolls the occupation. Click to add your support -- and let's stand up for Palestine together! | | | War criminals make millions of dollars by selling their products to European citizens who are unaware these products are made after innocent people are evicted, their homes destroyed and their lands seized. Europe is one of the largest markets for their goods, helping these criminal businesses make an estimated 300 million dollars a year. For decades, the Israeli government has worked tirelessly to prevent EU officials from proposing laws that end this disgraceful trade.
Now, for the first time in history, we can force our governments to act.
For some, calling for trade bans may feel ineffective - but the truth is it works. Such bans helped end Apartheid in South Africa, and significantly reduced the trade in blood diamonds across the world.
This Initiative will not only save lives but also make peace possible because it removes the financial incentives for continued war and occupation. Let's reach one million signatures before the deadline for submission, which is only a few months away. | | Our movement has mobilized to end wars and hold war criminals accountable across the globe, from Myanmar to Syria, and from Israel/Palestine to Russia. This campaign, if it succeeds, will be one of our most impactful achievements for peace. But even if our success allows a few children to live without the threat of bulldozers destroying their lives, it will be worth it.
With hope and determination,
Fadi, Bert, Muriel, Mohammad, Stefanie, Luis and the whole Avaaz Team | | | | |
Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. | You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails when you signed "Community Petitions Site" on 2016-08-14 using the email address To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, contact us, or simply go here to unsubscribe. | | | 27 Union Square West Suite 500 New York, NY 10003 | | |
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