
Lucia's forever gift to Avaaz

If today just a few hundred more of us added a gift for our community in our wills, it would sustain and secure our movement for decades to come.
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Dear friends,

We just got some touching news: an Avaazer in the U.S. has chosen to leave our community 34% of her life's earnings!

With her death, Lucia* will leave life for our campaigning — from climate change, to women's rights, to protecting our most endangered species.

And if her gesture inspires even just a few hundred more of us to leave a gift to Avaaz in our wills, it would secure our movement financially for decades to come.

It's a commitment that's only right for some of us. But, it's easy to do and anyone can leave any amount or even a percentage to make sure loved ones also get the support they need.

Click for all the information you'll need:

Yes! I'm interested in leaving a gift for our community in my will

If you don't have a will, there are some big reasons to make one -- whether or not you leave a gift to Avaaz.
  • It allows for peace of mind, knowing that your wishes will be carried out in the future.
  • If you have children, it clarifies who will be their guardian.
  • It allows you to a way to live out your values and support people and causes who mean the most to you.
And if you already have a will, you can easily update your plans to leave a gift that helps build a better world.

Most Avaazers who become "legacy donors" do so because of the impact they know it will continue to have for generations. Avaaz is nearly 10 years old now, and with every year that passes we are growing stronger and more ambitious in our campaigning.

We've won incredible victories - from a historic climate agreement to protect our planet, to protecting huge swathes of rainforest, to keeping the Internet free and fair... and much, much more. But with the rise of Trumpism and the extreme right in Europe and elsewhere, our progress is threatened everywhere -- and our movement has never been more important.

Many legacy donors can't afford to give large donations to power Avaaz's work right now. But they see their wills as a way to make sure they make at least one major gift with their life's earnings -- and the best part: they're not just powering Avaaz, but helping to make us secure for decades.

If it's right for you, click get started:

Yes! I'm interested in leaving Avaaz a gift

With so much gratitude for every member of this hopeful community,
Mia, Heather, Emma, Dan, Chelsea, Ricken, Sobaika, Dalia and the whole Avaaz team

*Personal information changed to protect the generous donor's privacy

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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