
They’re not starving. They’re being starved.

Millions of people in Yemen are facing famine as a Saudi-led coalition slowly strangles the country. Let's push the UK -- a key arms supplier to the coalition -- to persuade its Saudi allies to allow desperately needed aid in. Sign now: 
Dear friends,

A child in Yemen dies every ten minutes. But Yemen's kids are not starving to death: they are being starved. Deliberately.  And the UK government is one of the biggest suppliers of arms to the coalition doing it.

For two years, British-made bombs have been falling from British-made planes as part of a Saudi-led coalition at war in Yemen. The same coalition is blocking aid into the country, where 80% need emergency assistance.

Insiders tell us that the British government is nervous about public fall-out. If we can raise the pressure now, they could be pushed to get their allies to allow food and medicine in. Join the urgent call to Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to stop this shame:

Click to sign the petition

Britain has sold over £3 billion of arms to Saudi Arabia during its killing spree in Yemen. Thousands of civilians have died, almost two-thirds of them in Saudi air strikes, and millions have been driven from their homes. Now, the country is on the verge of famine.

It's obscene -- Britain trumpets its humanitarian aid to Yemen, but its complicity in the Saudi-led coalition and its willingness to put arms sales first means that Yemen's misery has a "Made in Britain" label on it. But now a small group is taking the UK government to court for being in breach of the UN Arms Trade Treaty -- shining a spotlight on Britain's hypocrisy.   

Let's call on Britain's Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to use Britain's close relationship with Saudi Arabia for good, for once, by persuading Saudi Arabia to let desperately needed food and medicine into Yemen. Click to urge Johnson to be a statesman, not a salesman:

Click to sign the petition

There are 33,175 Avaaz members in Yemen. Right now those same Avaazers plus millions more are desperate for our help. Let's come together and do what we do best to help save those whose lives are on the line.   

With hope and determination,

Alex, Diego, Fatima, Risalat, Alice, Emma and the whole Avaaz team 

More Info:
Yemen at 'point of no return' as conflict leaves almost 7 million close to famine (Guardian)

UK accused of 'blatant double standards' over Saudi Arabia relations amid comparisons to Isis brutality (Independent)

U.N. Warns Yemen Could Be on Brink of Famine (Foreign Policy)

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