
Next steps to end Europe's ivory trade

Thanks again for signing! We need to show the EU just how many of us are expecting them to act, so forward the email below to friends and family -- let's make this huge!

Dear friends,

We're about to wipe elephants from the face of the Earth. It's so bad, some are now being born without tusks -- an astonishing last throw of the evolutionary dice to survive human cruelty.  

But for the first time ever China, the world's biggest ivory importer, has announced it's banning ivory. Now, if enough of us demand it, we can get Europe, the world's biggest ivory exporter, to follow suit!  

Last year we shone a light on Europe's thriving ivory markets and stirred up a storm. Now momentum is building to shut them down. This is our moment! Join the urgent call and share this everywhere -- let's make our call so massive, we help end ivory forever:


Elephants are incredible -- they help each other in distress, can recognise death, and mourn over the bodies of their lost ones.Now it's becoming unnatural selection by poaching! New research says in some African regions 98% of female elephants now have no tusks at all!  

It's clear the legal ivory market provides cover for the sale of illegal ivory and perpetuates elephant massacres. That's why China shutting down their vast market is a stunning ray of hope for the future of this species. And Europe's ivory exports make no sense. The EU has played a leading role in fighting poaching, and now China is moving, there are simply no excuses for Europe allowing ivory to be sold!  

It's time to demand Europe close its markets, and end all ivory trading. Europe is discussing this right now. Unless we speak out the ivory profiteers could have their way and keep this bloody trade open. Add your name and share this widely:


Last year more than 1.5 million of us called on the world's largest conservation congress to pass a total ivory trade ban -- and they did it. Now it's up to us to make sure our governments follow through, and give future generations a chance to experience the wonder of elephants. 

With hope, 

Marigona, Danny, Alice, Spyro, Bert and the rest of the Avaaz team


China Bans Its Ivory Trade, Moving Against Elephant Poaching (NY Times)

EU set to ban raw ivory exports from July (Guardian)

African elephants are being born without tusks due to poaching, researchers say (The Independent)

Poaching behind worst African elephant losses in 25 years – IUCN report (IUCN)

How World's Largest Legal Ivory Market Fuels Demand for Illegal Ivory (National Geographic)

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