
Urgent: Greenpeace under attack!

Canada's biggest logging giant is trying to take down Greenpeace

A logging giant is trying to take down Greenpeace by suing them for $300 million...because they were too effective in campaigning against them! It could be the beginning of the end for groups like Avaaz who stand up to greedy corporations -- but now we have a plan to stop them. 
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Dear friends,

Canada's biggest logging giant is dragging Greenpeace to court, demanding more than a quarter of a billion dollars.

If they win, it would give greedy corporations everywhere a green light to silence all of us who stand up to them. But now we have a way to stop them.

The one thing the logger cares about is profits. And some of their biggest customers are book publishers, who have a history of standing up for free speech and have strong commitments to sustainability. 

All the major publishers are gathering in days at a major industry event -- let's overwhelm them with a massive call to take their business elsewhere unless the case is dropped.

Tell publishers to stand up for free speech

Resolute Forest Products has logged some of Canada's oldest, most majestic Boreal forests. And now, after a very successful campaign to demand a more sustainable way to do business, Resolute is accusing Greenpeace and Stand.earth of "conspiracy" for trying to stop the destruction -- and hurting their profits!

The case could change campaigning forever, giving corporations a way to silence groups like Avaaz, and oil companies, loggers and miners free rein to destroy our beautiful planet, no questions asked.

Right now, every dollar counts for Resolute, whose stock price has plummeted. It produces paper for some of the world's biggest publishers -- companies like Penguin and Simon & Schuster that care about their reputations -- and the forests!

When clients have spoken out before, Resolute listened. Let's overwhelm major publishers before the biggest book conference of the year, asking them to tell Resolute to drop the lawsuit or risk losing some of their biggest customers.

Tell publishers to stand up for free speech

Avaazers have taken on corporations around the world -- and won! Together, we convinced clothing company Benetton to pay up for victims of Bangladesh's Rana Plaza disaster, and more than a million of us stood up to stop Monsanto in Argentina. Now one of our major allies is defending corporate campaigning for all of us -- let's stand with them to stop these corporate thugs!

With hope and determination,
Allison, Antonia, Martyna, Bert, Alice and the whole Avaaz team


Resolute, Canadian Forest Giant, Uses Trump-Linked Law Firm To Sue Greenpeace (Huffington Post)

Clearcutting Free Speech (Greenpeace)

Battle for the Boreal (National Post)

U.S. Marketplace Urged to Protect Canada's Boreal Forest (Natural Resources Defense Council)

Environmental advocates disturbed by logging activity in Quebec caribou habitat (National Observer)

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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