
We're beating the far right, beautifully


Dear friends,

Europe, including 20 million Avaazers, is rising up to defend the world against Trumpism! And it's beautiful.

Austria. Netherlands. And now France. Everywhere the far-right is trying to take power, they're being crushed!

In France's presidential election, the racist nationalist Marine Le Pen was beaten even worse than expected, 66-34, and by a brand new political movement that proudly defended the values of humanity and openness.

Stopping the far-right's momentum has been Avaaz's top priority this year. Here's how our community rose to the fight in France! --

Our election campaigning was all over global and French news:

Our community sent more than 20,000 text messages and made thousands of calls in a targeted get-out-the-vote program to those who claimed they would abstain:

We blanketed key neighbourhoods with posters linking Le Pen to Trump and her father that reached more than 2 million people:

Our viral video calling on France not to get 'Trumped' got over 2 million views in days:

And all throughout the election, Avaaz members were in the streets orchestrating media-grabbing actions that helped shape the media narrative:

France is a crucial world leader in so many of the things our community fights for: Stopping climate change. Saving our biodiversity. Protecting Internet freedom. For both their country and all of us, most of the 4 million Avaazers in France fought hard to help keep Le Pen out of office, and bring to power Emmanuel Macron, a man who shares many of our values -- including supporting a strong Europe, fighting climate change and creating an inclusive and open world that celebrates difference instead of vilifying it. Today is a day to celebrate.

Click to leave a message and join the global celebration!

The tide is turning away from far-right extremism. But the BIG fight isn't over yet. Dangerous, hate-filled rhetoric used by politicians to divide us is a threat everywhere. The world needs our 44-million-strong global community more than ever before, to show up time and again to defend our unity, and our democracies. And I know we'll be there, together. See you in the next fight :)

With so much hope and gratitude for this movement,

Emma, Alice, Nell, Patricia, Christoph, Julie, Camille, Amelie, Andrew, Mia, Mike, Martyna, and the whole team at Avaaz

Read more:

Marine Le Pen Critics Warn French Voters Not To 'Trump' Themselves (Huffington Post)

Avaaz is a 44-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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